261.0 down to 178.0

261.0 down to 178.0

Saturday, December 29, 2018

165.2 9am

I've been quite good for months now and my weight shows it. I had my extended tummy tuck with <1000cc flank liposuction and 415 cc silicone transaxillary breast implants on December 17th in Miami, Fl. DH and I drove down on the 13th and headed home on the 26th and got home on the night of December 27th. I saw as low as 165.2 a couple of days before surgery, but swelling had me up a few pounds since then. Today's weigh in was a repeat of the lowest weight I have seen in 17 years. If I lose four more pounds, I will hit 100 pounds lost, which would be quite exciting. If I manage to get down ten more pounds I would be in a healthy weight range for the first time since I was twenty years old. That is really hard to wrap my mind around. The skin on my thighs, arms, neck and butt is showing the weight loss, but I think I can lose up to fifteen more pounds without it being too much of a problem. My skin has recovered remarkably well (I believe that despite the fact that I had the mommy makeover). I just never would have been able to recapture a slim waistline without squidgy rolls of skin. My breasts weren't too bad, but definitely had a laxity I wasn't happy with. DH was so supportive throughout this process and it really makes me appreciate him even more. He has never said anything bad about my body throughout any of the weight gain or loss and has said I didn't need the surgery but if it was something that would make me happier about my body he thought I should do it. Surgery was $7000, hotels were around $1200, gas $275, pre-op labs, mammogram, ecg and Dr visit we're around $500 including travel expenses, and prescription s came to about $140. The largest expense is the time I will continue to have to take off work and that I have already missed. I can already tell though at twelve days postop that I think it was 100% worth it. My surgeon did an amazing job and when the scarring has lightened it will be beautiful. I scar really well because of my super pale skin. I'm so glad that we could make this happen for me and so happy my husband never balked at the expense.