261.0 down to 178.0

261.0 down to 178.0

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

175.0 6am

I've been dieting moderately hard for the last two weeks. I came home from a two week work trip at about 175 and two weeks ago i saw as high as 186 on the scale. Then for the last two weeks (I'm working out of town again) I've been able to get my eating back under control and today am back down too 175.0. I have really noticed that my face/neck/jawline looks a lot better when I am sub 173.0. I'll be out of town for the next ten days and am planning to go up to Oregon after to see my parents. One had shingles four the last 12-13 days and have been taking painkiller round the clock and a anti viral for a well as well. I'm ready to be better!

Sunday, June 30, 2019

170.0 6:30am

I got as high as 184 about 3 weeks ago, but have been very strict with eating and walking for the last 2+ weeks. I will be happy to hopefully get back into the 160's tomorrow. Something really interesting was I really saw a change coming back down the scale in how my face looked once I hit about sub 175.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

177.4 lbs 7:45 am

I gained over the last 5 months 17 pounds. That is tough, but I have been working on it. If I know anything after all this time, it is that it is a daily struggle and it will continue to always be a daily struggle. And that is OKAY. I keep trying and at times I lose track of myself, but as long as I continue to weigh in every day... I 100% believe I will never let it get out of control again. I am working at getting back under 175 and then I will be working at getting back under 170. It's doable, but it's slow going. I am up in Nebraska now working and having mandatory carby breakfasts every day. That's ok. I am disappointed, but tomorrow is another opportunity to lose even a small amount. I look great now, but I looked even better at 160-165. I got a TON of compliments at that weight. So I keep on trying.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

166.2 lbs 9am

I was 164.8 lbs yesterday when I weighed in at noon. I have really struggled this last week. I'm not sure why. Just having junk all the time. I look amazing though, so it's somewhat difficult to get to worked up about being over 165 today. I want to remain under 165 lbs and I really would like to get under 155 and be and remain in the healthy BMI weight category. Each day is a struggle and it will continue to be so for the rest of my life. It just is the way it is.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

160.2 11am 25.86 BMI

Holy crap! I made it this morning! 101.0 pounds lost!!!!!! I have been losing weight for the last 6 YEARS and finally lost over 100 pounds. That is crazy. Really hard to wrap my head around. I am really curious how much skin/fat was removed with my tummy tuck. The breast implants added right at two pounds to my weight. I have been working hard at weight loss for months now though... ever since I first brought up cosmetic surgery with my husband back in mid September, I think. I am 5.3 pounds above being in the BMI healthy weight range. Holy Hell. I never thought I would make it.I am 0.3 pounds above being in the 150s!!!!!! Wow. That is INSANE. Reading through my old blog posts, I couldn't even truly fathom being at this weight for the longest time.

I hadn't planned on telling anyone but my husband about the cosmetic surgery, but my husband says I am not going to be able to hide it and everyone (meaning in his family) will be able to tell. So far, I have been wearing a lot of jackets since it is the dead of winter and it hasn't come up. No one has noticed beyond my parents noticing I was a little thinner when I was up there at the start of December.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

162.2 11am

Wow. I am down 99 lbs. I may have made 100 pounds today, as yesterday I was 161.6 at 9am.... BUT, I had 7 cherry cordials and a lot of ribs and 2 crescent rolls yesterday for New Years Eve. It's really hard to wrap my head around getting down to this weight, after trying for so long. I looked at pictures this morning from the last couple years and you can really see the difference between weighing 195ish and I looked at a few from the trip down to Miami right before my surgery, when I saw a low of 165.2 pounds, a couple of days before the surgery.

I am so happy to be having this second chance at feeling great about my body. I was going to take some pictures of myself in the buff, but decided against it, because I don't photograph well and may end up feeling self conscious of things that I am surprisingly happy with right now. I am still trying to lose weight as my face looks better than it has in a long time. The weight loss really helps my face, despite having some loose skin on my neck. I will just have to find where I look best regarding loose skin on my limbs versus not looking too gaunt in the face versus looking better in clothes. It's funny, because when I was in my twenties, the goal was always just to lose as much weight as was possible.

I am healing well. It has now been 2 weeks and 1 day since the surgery. It will just take time to get back to 100%.