75 grams heavy cream with coffee, sucralose powderand almond extract (the sucralose powder purchased on Amazon is absolutely amazing. It has zero fillers like "splenda" in the big yellow bags and is way way cheaper in the long run). I used to buy "Ez-Sweetz" on Amazon which is this same powder added with water in a dropper bottle form, which is also really good, but this is way cheaper).
1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk with 13 grams Body Fortress Vanilla Protein Powder (both available for purchase at wal-mart)
4.62 oz raw lean beef steak (all fat removed) cooked in 11 grams butter. Eaten with 9.35 oz (raw weight) microwave steamed cauliflower.
697 calories, 50.3 grams fat, 19.4-7.6 = 11.8 grams NET carbs, 44.9 grams protein
I plan to have pretty much the same thing today and have already had my coffee with heavy cream. I am feeling hopeful that I can be productive today and keep myself on plan. I want so badly to get under 170. I think I look "normal" now, but still feel like I am a little too heavy to comfortably ski (I have bad knees). I would like to go skiing before we move this spring, but still feel like I am not in shape enough. I do not want to do any structured exercise though, as that seems to inevitably hurt my "dieting" (I don't think of this way of eating as necessarily dieting, as I need to eat like this for the rest of my life to keep my blood sugar and hyperinsulinemia in check, but getting into nutritional ketosis is hard and having extra cravings at this point is counter-productive to my goals).
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