261.0 down to 178.0

261.0 down to 178.0

Sunday, April 19, 2015

181.0 (8:30am) travel scale naked

I feel so close to getting under 180! It's kinda surreal. I feel so much thinner than I do at 190. You wouldn't think that it would make much of a difference. I think I am not even perceived as being really fat anymore. Maybe a little chubby and definitely not THIN, but I think I probably am just perceived as being a normal 40 year old size. It's nice. I think if I could just get down to 170, I might truly be thought of as being normal size. I am of course in the overweight BMI range. I would have to get down clear to 154 or something to be in the normal weight range. I think it's possible, but I don't know how realistic it will be for me. If it happens, it would be nice, but honestly, I am more concerned about how my skin looks at whatever weight I end up at. I really want my thighs to allow me to wear shorts without feeling self-conscious. I wore shorts at 261. My skin was nice and smooth. As I've lost weight, I am developing almost what looks like cellulite. It's not though, because when I lift on my upper butt area (like a body lift would do), the area is smooth like it should be. I do not have the connecting tissue that women have that causes the dimpling (they are like little tether lines or something). Anyway, it's just an excess skin issue of it not pulling tight. I hate it. It really makes me feel for thin women who have cellulite. It makes you hate your legs to not have them be nice and smooth. I of course also have the excess stomach skin as well. It bulges out at the sides in a muffin top fashion even without clothes on. My belly button looks like a frown too. And I have some rollover skin at the bottom of my stomach. Not a lot, but I am not fond of it, to be sure. I could definitely stand to have a body lift when my weight loss is done, but I won't. My arms are ok. They are not great and they are not bad. There is excess skin, but certainly not enough to prevent me from wearing tank tops. Which is important, as hot as it gets down here in the summers. I fantasize about having the skin from when I was at 180 coming up the scale. It was so much firmer. My skin DOES feel amazingly healthy. Supple and well conditioned. It's not dry like it used to be before my change to LCHF. My nails have become amazingly strong in the last month or two as well. I am not sure what prompted that change, but it makes me super happy. I have been plagued my whole life with thin nails that are prone to peeling in layers or bending back and cracking. I know that it has been caused by nutritional deficiencies, but despite supplementation, was never able to get them to a healthy state. I have five more days down here in Texas, then I will be going home for 4 days and then coming back down here to work for 8 more days. It is really easy to manage my diet while I am down here. I am hopeful to be able to lose a total of 3 more pounds during the 13 total days spent down here. I am sure I will have some rebound up the scale when I go home. My husband is planning to smoke some ribs and pork shoulder. I will eat to fullness on that. I will NOT eat a bunch of high carb junk.

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