261.0 down to 178.0

261.0 down to 178.0

Sunday, June 28, 2015

178.4 (7:15am)

I hoping to lose another 2 pounds before I leave Maryland in eight days. That will put me at an all new low (12 years?). Anyway, I'm getting close to a virgin low weight again, and I am getting to the high progesterone point of my cycle (period due in 7 days), so I am sure I will really be fighting to control my eating (hunger) and getting to this new weight. In fact, I don't really think it can happen, if watching my weight daily for the last 2 years has taught me anything. I just have to much of a water retention, hunger swing at the end of the month.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

179.8 (7:10am)

It feels good to be back under 180. I don't feel happy about it, as much as relieved.

Monday, June 22, 2015

181.2 (7:30am)

I walked 1h 18min yesterday so my weight is up 0.6 lbs today (muscle water retention). I have been working on doing some walking, trying to get my pulse down a little. Food consumption has also been going well. I have exactly 2 weeks left until I go home. I am hoping to lose 4-6 lbs in that time. I have put it straight out in my Fitday goal that I am now working on getting down to 161.2 (100 pounds lost). I have 20.0 pounds to go from here. I will re-evaluate when I get there, if I want to go down any further. I feel like my chest might be a hot mess if I go down any further in weight, but then I will look a lot better IN clothes. I'm just going to have to try to balance it I guess.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

183.4 (7:45)

My weight is coming down a little. I ate a bag of chips, 2 slices of white bread and 2 cookies that I shouldn't have yesterday (as well as a ton of baby carrots that are ok, but higher carb as a vegetable goes). I really want to watch it, but keep making bad choices. I am not sure why I am struggling so much right now with making better choices. Sometimes it is harder than others for sure. The biggest thing though is to weigh EVERY day and to keep trying.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

185.2 (9:15am)

I have 22 full days left and then I go home. I haven't been able to lose any weight since getting here. I intend to REALLY try now though. I can do 22 days of strict restriction. I need to do that. I just haven't had it in me mentally or physically up until now. Part of it was hormonal I'm sure. I AM in the better part of my cycle hormonally, so I hope it makes a good difference. I have been blathering about wanting to get down to 175 or even 163 for the last year and a half. That's kind of silly. Ten or twenty pounds is nothing compared to what I have already done. I need to make it happen. I WILL make it happen.

Friday, June 12, 2015

187.0 (7:10am)

This is my carbed up weight... but still. I am getting my act together.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

185.6 (10am)

I think I have actually gained weight since coming here. Unacceptable!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

184.8 (10am)

I have 27 more days here in Baltimore. I am hoping to lose 8 lbs during that time. That would place me at 177 lbs. It's funny, how two years ago, I would have thought it was impossible to ever get back down to this weight, and a fantastical dream to get back into the 170's. I STILL would like to manage to get into the 160's. I've been working on it for a long time, and I continue to eat junk once i get under 180. It's like I can't help myself. I do want to eliminate this thick stomach area I have though.

On a happy note, my skin is amazing. I have looseness, but my skin is soft and supple. I continue to be surprised at how good it feels. I know it takes YEARS for skin to replace itself completely, so it makes sense that it will continue to improve as time goes on. I have been drinking a hot gelatin drink (when at home) to hopefully improve my skin, hair and nails. I think it's still improving.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

186.8 (8:30am) carbed up weight

So I ate 2 cookies, a hamburger bun, a roll, two pieces of wheat wonder bread, a small piece of garlic bread and spaghetti (and two cups of milk) yesterday. This is my carbed up weight. I'm hoping to get my period today. I am tired of these hormones.

Saturday, June 6, 2015


I just have NOT been able to get control of myself. This is my high progesterone week (PMS) and my hunger has just been insatiable. I am hoping I can get control of it starting right now. I expect my weight will be up tomorrow morning. I ate a ton of carbs (provide by my employers) at lunch and dinner today. My weight will probably be over 187 tomorrow... maybe even 188. I'm disappointed in myself, but this also happens every month, so I don't know why I would continue to be surprised by it. It's just really hard for me to fight that hormonal hunger.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

184.8 (9:30 am) in Baltimore

I am up over 5 1/2 pounds from where I was in Austin. That is pretty disappointing. I had way to much ice cream in that time after Austin. I am trying to be on plan here, but it is hard. Today is my 6th day here. I am going to be on point today and I am going to start logging EVERYTHING in fitday. I have said that so many times over the last year and a half. It's been almost 2 years since I changed my life. I need to continue making the effort.