I have 27 more days here in Baltimore. I am hoping to lose 8 lbs during that time. That would place me at 177 lbs. It's funny, how two years ago, I would have thought it was impossible to ever get back down to this weight, and a fantastical dream to get back into the 170's. I STILL would like to manage to get into the 160's. I've been working on it for a long time, and I continue to eat junk once i get under 180. It's like I can't help myself. I do want to eliminate this thick stomach area I have though.
On a happy note, my skin is amazing. I have looseness, but my skin is soft and supple. I continue to be surprised at how good it feels. I know it takes YEARS for skin to replace itself completely, so it makes sense that it will continue to improve as time goes on. I have been drinking a hot gelatin drink (when at home) to hopefully improve my skin, hair and nails. I think it's still improving.
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