This month has been a real struggle. This last Sunday and Monday I was at 218.0. I have eaten regular/mini binging since then. I was afraid to get on the scale today. I am guessing with carb bloat I am around 224. I am going to eat low glycemically (ala medifast) today and weigh tomorrow.
Good thing ---> I am less than I was at the start of August. My black jeans(20W) that I wore all Winter thru this Summer are mega loose. So I have made progress and feel good about that. I also feel like I have a good handle on how I need to eat to consistantly lose weight.
Bad thing ---> I just really am having a hard time doing pseudo medifast and sticking with it. Eating one thing off plan leads to another and another and pretty soon I have had a major cheat day.
I think the cure for this, is to get back on plan and stay on plan. :) On a positive note, by eating like crap for the last three (3!!) weeks, I have managed to reset my hormones. I am ready for another run at losing weight. I would love to do a full twelve weeks because I could lose around 40 lbs in that amount of time. That would put me back to a size 12/14. So starting today (again) I will be tracking via fitday, sticking to 800 calories a day. I just need to keep in mind that the first 5 days are the hardest. Make it through them, and it will get a lot easier as the carb cravings disappear.
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