261.0 down to 178.0

261.0 down to 178.0

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Struggling again

I fell off my pseudo medifast plan on September 3rd, and haven't been able to get back on plan since then. I was right at 220 then and since that time have seen as low as 215.5, but now am back up to 225.5 as of yesterday. I am really disappointed in myself. I am so tired of struggling with this day after day after day. So tired of saying I am going to do it and then not taking the actions. I am starting back on the pseudo medifast today and am even going to use the phentermine again this week to get myself back on track. I used phentermine a few years back (prescribed by my doctor) and was successful with it. As anyone who has tried phentermine will tell you, you have to continue to try to make good choices (it DOES decrease your hunger) and the effectiveness of the drug does decrease with time. I am hoping that if I can be successful for a least a week, I can get back into the groove of losing weight. I hate the side-effects of taking phentermine, and will stop taking it as soon as I feel that I am firmly on track again. I also will be utilizing the protein shakes again... basically 4 (100 cal 15 gr protein, 3 gram carb)shakes 200 calories of high fat food for one meal (for gall-bladder emptying) and then one lean and green meal around 200 calories... for a total of around 800 calories. I am not to excited about doing this, but know that if I stick with it for 4 or 5 days, that my appetite will decrease, my stomache will shrink, and it will get a lot easier to continue on.

Also of note, I was an eating machine all of the last week, and got my time of month yesterday. I am going to try to keep track of how hungry I feel throughout the month and see if I can't find some of the hormonal causes to my eating. I have read that some herbs are good for helping with this. (I think it relates to the increased progestone during the latter part of the month).

Other than that, I am trying not to be too hard on myself. I am lighter than I have been before, and will continue to try. That is all I can do. I have been walking for my errands to the store, bank, post office, etc lately. Hopefully that will help as well.

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