261.0 down to 178.0

261.0 down to 178.0

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

191.4 (11am) Ate 5,204 calories yesterday

O.K. - I ate 5,204 calories HIGH CARB calories yesterday (including take out Chinese, oreo cookies, bologna sandwiches on white bread and noodle casserole. (Carbs came to 425.1 grams (estimate because of the chinese food with fried rice). The day prior to that I ate 4,295 calories (of which 299.3 carb grams were included). I should have had a weight gain of 1.62 pounds. I am up to 191.4 pounds this morning (11am) from 186.4 pounds two days ago. Obviously a lot of that is water weight, but even when I get the water weight to come back off, I should look at being 188.0 pounds again. *Heavy sigh*. I am just trying to put it all in perspective here. I obviously plan to get back to low carb and low calorie today. I just want to note that I haven't done anything I can't come back from. I KNOW I am going to struggle today though. What's funny to me is that none of what I ate yesterday was that good. It was good, but it made me feel physically really gross.

I have been here before though, many times. What matters now is how I handle today.

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