261.0 down to 178.0

261.0 down to 178.0

Friday, February 12, 2010

6 P.M. 243.2 lbs

I have regained everything I lost. 5 months of eating until my head says "stop eating" causes me to gain. Maybe my body just wants to get back to it's set-point. I am starting right now. Now tomorrow morning... not Monday morning, THIS instant. I am so tired of this being my daily struggle. I am so tired of breaking promise after promise to myself that THIS will be the day. It ends here and now.

6 p.m. weight 243.2 lbs (naked)
height: 5'6 1/2" (barefoot)
neck: 16 3/4"
full bust: 48 1/2"
under bust: 42 1/2"
over belly button: 47 3/4"
fullest part of hips: 49 5/8"
right thigh: 28 3/4"
right bicept: 15 1/8"

That's a pretty embarrassing state of affairs. I know how to lose weight. I know why I gain weight. Why do I keep pretending that I can eat the SAD (standard american diet) and not gain weight? My face is bloated. My double chin is horrible. I feel lethargic all the time. My feet feel flat again. My joints hurt. My blood sugar is all over the place. I need in excess of nine hours of sleep at night. I can't do the athletic things I would like to do. I am embarressed thinking about meeting people I haven't seen in years. I really don't need any more reasons than I already have. I am going to do what I did in the past (modified medifast) with the Shangri-la Diet thrown in (2-3 tbsp of canola oil per day - one dose in the morning and one dose in the afternoon with a 1 to 1 and a half hour window on each side). Hopefully the canola oil will help with appetite supression, but at minimum it will cause my gall bladder to empty twice a day and I shouldn't have any gall bladder issues.

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