261.0 down to 178.0

261.0 down to 178.0

Thursday, October 10, 2013

194.4 (9am)

I continue to plug along this is the 3rd day that I have been at this weight. Once about a week ago and then also yesterday... so I think I can finally say that I am below 195. :) That feels good. When I hit 192.3 it will be a weight I haven't seen since 2002. That will be weird. So my mini focus is getting down to that. In 2001-2002 I got down to 163 from 195ish. I imagine that it will be very difficult for me to get below 163 (if I even can). I am going to try pretty hard to get pretty low though. Supposedly it might help my skin situation. If I get low enough, my skin on my stomach should get thin and lose it's excess subcutaneous fat. It has gotten better there, but it surely will never look as good as it used to. Hopefully, by getting to quite a low weight I can eliminate any of that squidgy stomach thing that some people never get beyond.

I had about 3/8 of a Gala apple last night (3.70 oz to be exact). It was so delicious. Apples are one of the biggest things I miss since eating low carb. That small amount of apple contained almost 15 grams of carbs, so there just isn't a way to normally eat them without knocking myself out of ketosis. I think they can be a partial apple sometimes food though maybe.

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