261.0 down to 178.0

261.0 down to 178.0

Thursday, June 30, 2011


I fell off plan last night... which ended up being good, as it allowed me to get 1 hour and 2 hour numbers.

I ate 5 oreo cookies with 1 packet of top ramen, 2 eggs, & about 1.5 cups of pea/carrot mixture made with butter.

blood sugar after 1 hour - 211 !
blood sugar after 2 hours - 156

I am worse that I thought, and I think that is good to know for accepting what my situation is and dealing with it.

Most important - stay on plan & lose some weight (insulin resistance will increase with weight loss).

I am going to order some glucophage and some HCG. I've got to do it. This isn't a way to live. I don't want to burn out my pancrease. I certainly don't want the monthly expense that would come with actually using insulin.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Fasting blood glucose this morning - 120.

Weight is steadily coming down, but the blood sugar isn't. :(

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Fasting blood glucose this morning 115.

Yesterdays numbers were 253.0, 130, 103, 108 (I took the blood glucose 3X because the first one was so high).

Today marks the start of day 4. I am not doing ZC. I am doing Dr. Bernstein's 6/12/12... which gives me minimal room for a few non-starchy veg. I went to the grocery yesterday and got some stuff to tide me over while DH is out of town in the coming week.

Sunday, June 26, 2011


Fasting Blood Glucose this morning 121.

Bratwurst (3 carb each) and liverwurst yesterday. I felt horrible in the evening with heartburn and a very bad headache. I didn't eat much as a result. Everything I thought I could eat (eggs/liverwurst/canned fishes) I thought would make the heartburn worse. I ended up taking a Zegerid and 2 Tylenol PM.

Mild headache this morning. I am dissappointed to see how high my fasting blood glucose level is even after a day of no carbs. I think I might track if for a while to see how long it takes to come down. I imagine when it comes down, I will feel a lot better on ZC.

Saturday, June 25, 2011


Morning fasting blood glucose - 126.

I'm on. It's about my health now.

Friday, June 24, 2011


Fasting Blood Glucose this morning 113.

2 Hour Post Meal Blood Glucose this evening 161.

It's time to get serious.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Wow... so I've spent the last year going on and off of zero carb. And I've managed to gain 14 lbs over the course of the year. I guess there really never can be a break. If I am going to do it, I am going to have to wrap my head around the fact that I am going to have to do it 100% of the time, no breaks, no cheats. Can I do it?

For the last week I have been absolutely fixated on what I get to eat next. I have ended each day with either a headache or a migraine. My joints hurt (not as bad as sometimes). My feet have felt really "flat". If I had stuck with it last July 1st when I started I would be around 160-170 now. Wow. I would feel really different today if that were the case. I guess I am starting again RIGHT NOW. No breaks, no cheats, no salads, no aspertame. I am ready to feel better about me and the body I am in.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


If I fall off, all the weight comes back and quickly. *sigh*

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Trying to get it back togetehr.

Monday, June 6, 2011


Went to mom and dad's had lunch there and mcdonalds on the way back. I am ready to be back on track.

Saturday, June 4, 2011


So yesterday went out to lunch and had mexican and took home leftovers. Ate leftovers around 6pm. Then later at 1/3 of a large cookie dough blizzard and 1 5/8 meatloaf sandwiches.

I feel really good about it though. After reading about leptin, I know that I have just restored all of my leptin levels and I am ready to battle another week or two before taking anymore of a break. Because 249.0 is my new carbed up weight, it definately shows I am making headway... so I feel really good about how this is going so far.

Friday, June 3, 2011


We went to the Mexican restuarant for lunch. Brought home leftovers. I plan to not eat for the rest of the day. It's going well so far. I'm 16 days in, with reasonable breaks. 80/20 is a more reasonable plan. :)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


247.0 yesterday morning. In the afternoon I had one ZC meal. A DQ cheeseburger (small) a side of onion rings and 3/4 of a large cookie dough blizzard... No dinner. I had had a very small breakfast (little bit of steak and a boiled egg).

Still on track. :)!