261.0 down to 178.0

Sunday, November 30, 2014
189.8 (9am)
Thursday, November 27, 2014
181.8 (old scale) naked 6:00am
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
182.4 (new scale) naked 8:30am
Monday, November 24, 2014
183.2 (9:15am) new scale, naked
Sunday, November 23, 2014
183.4 (naked) (new scale) 9:30am
Saturday, November 22, 2014
183.0 (new scale) naked (10:00am)
Last year, during the week before Christmas I saw my (12 year?) low of 176.6 I think. I would be really cool if I could be there at that time again. I really am going to work for it. I am nervous about it, because I will be going home, and it is so much harder to control myself 24/7 there (versus a 4X a day for 30 minutes each, here). It is possible of course. I HAVE been in ketosis since I've been here as well, which should make it a lot easier, as long as I keep eating ketogenically. I intend to. There is nothing coming up that is worth feeling gross in my skin.
Friday, November 21, 2014
184.4 (new scale) naked 9:15am
I have 5 days left here. Hopefully I can lose another 2 pounds. Maybe 1.4 even would make me really happy. I will just continue doing what I have been doing. Tacos for lunch (I will make it into a taco salad) and roast beef for dinner. A good day for meals (although I was only able to have 1 oz of peanut butter for breakfast as everything was really carb heavy).
Thursday, November 20, 2014
184.2 naked (new scale) 9:45am
Monday, November 17, 2014
185.4 (new scale) naked 8:30am
Friday, November 14, 2014
187.8 (wearing yoga pants, long sleeve shirt, sports bra, panties and socks) (facility scale) 9:15am
Thursday, November 13, 2014
187.0 (new scale) naked 8:15am
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
188.8 (new scale) naked, 9:30 am
Monday, November 10, 2014
190.8 (8:30am) (facility scale) with yoga pants, panties, bra, socks and long sleeve shirt on
It's been going very well food wise. I am able to peruse the following day's menu and then decide beforehand what I should eat out of that, enter it in fitday and try to come up with what I should be eating to get the best results. It has been working really well. Sometimes the quality of food is such that I have to change my game plan on the fly, but it has generally been working quite well. (Some disgusting pork for dinner the night before last and a gross apple last night...).
I am starting to feel different in my body again. It is amazing the difference 10 pounds can make in how you feel in your body. I should try to remember that. Ten pounds often doesn't seem like it matters to me (and is probably why I was able to go so far up the scale as I did), but you can really feel the difference.
Today is done other than the scheduled meals, so I am just going to take it easy... although I do think I will do a 45 minute easy walk.
Sunday, November 9, 2014
191.4 (8am) wearing clothes (new scale and facility scale)
I don't remember what meals I will be facing today. I hope they are easily navigated.
Saturday, November 8, 2014
191.8 (new scale) (with clothes) (9:15am)
Friday, November 7, 2014
191.4 (new scale and facility scale) (8:10am) (in clothes)
Yesterday I had a deconstructed ham and egg wrap with salsa and sour cream. Maybe milk for breakfast? For lunch a deconstructed meat and cheese sandwich. For dinner a green salad and milk. For snack peanuts and diet soda. I probably ended up around 1200 calories, which is a little higher than I would like, but was really close nutritionally to what I want to stick to. So I am super happy with it.
Today I will be navigating through a breakfast cereal breakfast. Lunch tacos, dinner roast beef and potato meal and snack of oatmeal cookies and milk I think. So I should be able to get spot on with some planning ahead in Fitday.
I walked about half an hour as well yesterday. I will try to do the same today I think. Maybe even a touch longer.
Thursday, November 6, 2014
191.4 (new scale) wearing about 2 lbs of clothes (7am)
It's going well here... just trying to get through the days until I can go home. I miss DH and the dogs horribly.