261.0 down to 178.0

261.0 down to 178.0

Sunday, November 30, 2014

189.8 (9am)

I am sick and was yesterday as well. (Sore throat and body aches). I ate a bunch of crap yesterday.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

181.8 (old scale) naked 6:00am

I got home last night around 7pm. I am super happy to see 181.8 on the scale this morning. Today is Thanksgiving. I intend to stay low carb.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

182.4 (new scale) naked 8:30am

wow. I just am really, really happy each day to be seeing these numbers. It's funny the difference 15 pounds can make in my mindset and body.

Monday, November 24, 2014

183.2 (9:15am) new scale, naked

Well, I am solidly at 183 now. A goal I have aspired to for months and months. I look a lot better in my clothes at this weight than I do in the 190's. My stomach is a lot flatter. My thighs and arms have also lost quite a bit of weight. I am still hoping to get down to sub 180 and ultimately, at least sub 175. It's a sounds like a small goal, but I think it will be hard to get there and stay there. I would like to think that being in the 185-195 range for about a year will make it easier to lose some more. I would like to think that my body is getting more accustomed to this weight. Mentally I am used to it now. This just seems like the body I should have in my head... so maybe it will be easier to get further down the scale.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

183.4 (naked) (new scale) 9:30am

So, I am solidly below 185. It feels great. Last year when I was losing all the weight, I really just focused on each 5 pounds. I am ready to go back to the mindset. When I gained back up over 190, it just became impossible to think of it in that manner, because I felt so desperate to just be back down where I was. I think this is a common problem for people who regain weight. The focus way to hard on the 23 pounds they have regained (or whatever it is) and not enough on the 5 small pounds that they need to look at. The 23 pounds becomes overwhelming and too hard to think about in the first week of the diet and you keep falling off. When instead, if you just focus on each 5 pound increment, it's not so overwhelming. 5 pounds generally takes me a few weeks, so that is all I can focus on at a time. Any more than that, and I just start feeling overwhelmed with how far I have to go.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

183.0 (new scale) naked (10:00am)

Wow. I was really happy to see 183.0 on the scale this morning. I haven't seen this weight since I was in Austin last May. I have tried and tried to get back to this weight and just was unable to do so. If I can even hold on to it and get back under 180, it will be a major, major accomplishment.

Last year, during the week before Christmas I saw my (12 year?) low of 176.6 I think. I would be really cool if I could be there at that time again. I really am going to work for it. I am nervous about it, because I will be going home, and it is so much harder to control myself 24/7 there (versus a 4X a day for 30 minutes each, here). It is possible of course. I HAVE been in ketosis since I've been here as well, which should make it a lot easier, as long as I keep eating ketogenically. I intend to. There is nothing coming up that is worth feeling gross in my skin.

Friday, November 21, 2014

184.4 (new scale) naked 9:15am

Solid sub 185. I will take it! :)

I have 5 days left here. Hopefully I can lose another 2 pounds. Maybe 1.4 even would make me really happy. I will just continue doing what I have been doing. Tacos for lunch (I will make it into a taco salad) and roast beef for dinner. A good day for meals (although I was only able to have 1 oz of peanut butter for breakfast as everything was really carb heavy).

Thursday, November 20, 2014

184.2 naked (new scale) 9:45am

It was really nice to finally be back below 185 this morning. I haven't seen this weight for a few months. I still am about 7-8 lbs higher than my low at last Christmas.

Monday, November 17, 2014

185.4 (new scale) naked 8:30am

I am still out of town. SOOOO close to being under 185 again! :) This trip out of town has been a little tiring mentally, but the weight loss almost makes it worth it. I turns out I am able to control myself for 20 minutes at a time four times a day, easily. It's just the all day, every day in your face food that is hard to resist.

Friday, November 14, 2014

187.8 (wearing yoga pants, long sleeve shirt, sports bra, panties and socks) (facility scale) 9:15am

Really happy with what my weight is doing. I have been quite strict with myself and am really happy that it is paying off.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

187.0 (new scale) naked 8:15am

I can really see the changed in my body from just losing back to where I am now. It really is giving me motivation to lose back to where I was at my lowest (for the last 18 months) of 176 or thereabouts.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

188.8 (new scale) naked, 9:30 am

Still going well... I ended up right at 1000 calories yesterday I think. I had to really estimate on some breaded chicken strips for dinner, but I did the best I could.

Monday, November 10, 2014

190.8 (8:30am) (facility scale) with yoga pants, panties, bra, socks and long sleeve shirt on

I am super excited to be back under 190. (Without clothes, which is my normal weight reference). I don't know the weight of what I am wearing, but my educated guess is about 1.5 - 1.7 pounds.

It's been going very well food wise. I am able to peruse the following day's menu and then decide beforehand what I should eat out of that, enter it in fitday and try to come up with what I should be eating to get the best results. It has been working really well. Sometimes the quality of food is such that I have to change my game plan on the fly, but it has generally been working quite well. (Some disgusting pork for dinner the night before last and a gross apple last night...).

I am starting to feel different in my body again. It is amazing the difference 10 pounds can make in how you feel in your body. I should try to remember that. Ten pounds often doesn't seem like it matters to me (and is probably why I was able to go so far up the scale as I did), but you can really feel the difference.

Today is done other than the scheduled meals, so I am just going to take it easy... although I do think I will do a 45 minute easy walk.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

191.4 (8am) wearing clothes (new scale and facility scale)

I keep hoping to see sub 190 on the scale, but have to remind myself this is my clothed weight this week, which means I have lost about 0.6 lbs plus the weight of the clothes I am wearing right now (which is probably around 1.6 - 1.8 lbs. So that is really good. My new scale and the facility scale match on weight, so that is really nice as well. It makes me think they are both consistently accurate.

I don't remember what meals I will be facing today. I hope they are easily navigated.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

191.8 (new scale) (with clothes) (9:15am)

I expected to be lighter than this today. I *feel* lighter, so I think the scale just hasn't caught up with my weight loss yet. It's going well here, I am still sticking to around 1000 calories per day. I might try to go a tiny bit lower today, although I am not sure if it is possible without drawing awkward attention to my eating.

Friday, November 7, 2014

191.4 (new scale and facility scale) (8:10am) (in clothes)

It's going well here. I can see what all the meals will be for the day and preplan what I will eat... I can generally pick and choose enough of the meal to be spot on where I want to be nutritionally. I have to eyeball sizes, which is the worst part. I brought a tiny food scale with me, but it would be weird if I used it, so I will be unable to.

Yesterday I had a deconstructed ham and egg wrap with salsa and sour cream. Maybe milk for breakfast? For lunch a deconstructed meat and cheese sandwich. For dinner a green salad and milk. For snack peanuts and diet soda. I probably ended up around 1200 calories, which is a little higher than I would like, but was really close nutritionally to what I want to stick to. So I am super happy with it.

Today I will be navigating through a breakfast cereal breakfast. Lunch tacos, dinner roast beef and potato meal and snack of oatmeal cookies and milk I think. So I should be able to get spot on with some planning ahead in Fitday.

I walked about half an hour as well yesterday. I will try to do the same today I think. Maybe even a touch longer.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

191.4 (new scale) wearing about 2 lbs of clothes (7am)

I think I am probably back under 190. :) Super exciting. I was tired of being in the 190's. I have 3 more weeks here in Indiana and then I will go home. I think I should be able to pretty strictly be at -1000 calories per day, so I am hoping for 6 pounds of weight loss during this time. That would be best case scenario of course, but even 4 or 5 lbs would be great. I am so ready to be back below 185 and able to focus on getting into the 170's.

It's going well here... just trying to get through the days until I can go home. I miss DH and the dogs horribly.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

191.2 (new scale) 4:30am

I didn't get a weigh in for some reason today. Maybe they don't do them here? Not sure. I just had lunch. It was a meatball sub with baked chips, cauliflower with ranch, carrot sticks and celery and orange sherbet. I had the meatballs, the diet coke and the raw vegetables. Hopefully I can lose weight while I am up here. It looks pretty definite that I will be here for the next 23 days. I will find out for sure tonight or in the morning.

Monday, November 3, 2014

192.0 (new) 6:30am

This has been a lazy low carb day out of town. I go to work tomorrow. Kinda nervous as usual, as I haven't been here before. My back hurts from driving so far. Going to go to bed early.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

191.4 (9:30am) old scale

I had cream with caffeine free hot tea for breakfast yesterday. We went to Golden Corral for lunch and I had a green salad, a bunch of veggies, pork steak, a bunch of battered mini shrimp and 2 bites of carrot cake. For dinner I had a McDonalds side salad with ranch with a cut up double cheeseburger on it. (no bun).