261.0 down to 178.0

261.0 down to 178.0

Friday, November 7, 2014

191.4 (new scale and facility scale) (8:10am) (in clothes)

It's going well here. I can see what all the meals will be for the day and preplan what I will eat... I can generally pick and choose enough of the meal to be spot on where I want to be nutritionally. I have to eyeball sizes, which is the worst part. I brought a tiny food scale with me, but it would be weird if I used it, so I will be unable to.

Yesterday I had a deconstructed ham and egg wrap with salsa and sour cream. Maybe milk for breakfast? For lunch a deconstructed meat and cheese sandwich. For dinner a green salad and milk. For snack peanuts and diet soda. I probably ended up around 1200 calories, which is a little higher than I would like, but was really close nutritionally to what I want to stick to. So I am super happy with it.

Today I will be navigating through a breakfast cereal breakfast. Lunch tacos, dinner roast beef and potato meal and snack of oatmeal cookies and milk I think. So I should be able to get spot on with some planning ahead in Fitday.

I walked about half an hour as well yesterday. I will try to do the same today I think. Maybe even a touch longer.

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