261.0 down to 178.0

261.0 down to 178.0

Thursday, October 23, 2014

192.6 (8am)

We went to Outback last night and I had the 6 oz sirloin, side salad with blue cheese and croutons and broccoli side. I had water to drink. I got blue cheese on the side so I could gauge how much I used. I felt like the brocolli had a lot of butter on it or oil of some kind. I am down a pound from yesterday, but woke up with a headache. They said they don't use MSG there, but I don't really believe that. I woke up with a headache this morning which is really unusual anymore. Anyway, I ended up consuming about 400-500 more calories than I wanted to yesterday, but kept it low carb and did my best. Sometimes social obligations are just hard to navigate. I had never been to outback either, so was kinda confused about how to choose the best option. It's raining this morning. I don't have any big plans for today. Today is my husband's Friday. He's been working a lot of overtime recently, so I am looking forward to his weekend and hope we can relax together some. (And that it doesn't make it difficult for me to stay on track!) It's now 9am and I just at a large (15.75oz) can of drained canned salmon mixed with about 1 oz of diced onion, the juice of 1 1/2 limes, salt and pepper. I am stuffed. It's pouring outside. I am boiling a chicken leg quarter, carrots, onion and celery right now for my husbands chicken and dumplings dinner. It feels like a yucky day and I thought cooking bone broth all day might be nice. I might steal a cup of the broth for myself before I put the dumplings in there. I make some amazing broth if I say so myself.

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