261.0 down to 178.0

261.0 down to 178.0

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Start of 2nd Day. Weight 227.5

Yesterday was probably 2500 calories of which 50 grams were carb. So today's weight is my true non-carb weight. That sucks. I have gained 10 real pounds. This is serious. I am not going back up. I saw on the scale the other morning 230. That is not acceptible. Here we go again!

Day 1 of copycat Medifast
320 grams of deli roast beef (3% fat) split up over 4 mini-meals (100 calories each, 16 grams protein each).
1 mini meal of Braunschweiger (2 oz 193 calories, 17 grams of fat (enough to get my gall-bladder to flush)).
1 lean and grean meal consisting of
5 oz tilapia fillet, 2.5 oz frozen spinach, and 100 grams (raw weight) of butternut squash.

Total for day 796 calories, 29 grams fat, 22 grams carb, and 114 grams protein.

Mini meals eaten at 12, 2, 4, 6, and 8pm. (After heavy protein, low carb yesterday I wasn't hungry until noon today). I plan on following this exact meal plan for today and the following 2 days. By then I should not be experiencing any hunger and it will be easier to add variety (sticking to normal guidelines) without getting hungry again.

I feel heavy in my clothes. My gall bladder hasn't bothered me for several weeks, but I have been experiencing kidney pain 3-4 times per week for the last couple of weeks. I am not sure what is causing this. I will be drinking a lot of water during the next few days and supplementing with Morton Lite Salt as usual (to hopefully prevent nightime charlie horses).

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Struggling again

I fell off my pseudo medifast plan on September 3rd, and haven't been able to get back on plan since then. I was right at 220 then and since that time have seen as low as 215.5, but now am back up to 225.5 as of yesterday. I am really disappointed in myself. I am so tired of struggling with this day after day after day. So tired of saying I am going to do it and then not taking the actions. I am starting back on the pseudo medifast today and am even going to use the phentermine again this week to get myself back on track. I used phentermine a few years back (prescribed by my doctor) and was successful with it. As anyone who has tried phentermine will tell you, you have to continue to try to make good choices (it DOES decrease your hunger) and the effectiveness of the drug does decrease with time. I am hoping that if I can be successful for a least a week, I can get back into the groove of losing weight. I hate the side-effects of taking phentermine, and will stop taking it as soon as I feel that I am firmly on track again. I also will be utilizing the protein shakes again... basically 4 (100 cal 15 gr protein, 3 gram carb)shakes 200 calories of high fat food for one meal (for gall-bladder emptying) and then one lean and green meal around 200 calories... for a total of around 800 calories. I am not to excited about doing this, but know that if I stick with it for 4 or 5 days, that my appetite will decrease, my stomache will shrink, and it will get a lot easier to continue on.

Also of note, I was an eating machine all of the last week, and got my time of month yesterday. I am going to try to keep track of how hungry I feel throughout the month and see if I can't find some of the hormonal causes to my eating. I have read that some herbs are good for helping with this. (I think it relates to the increased progestone during the latter part of the month).

Other than that, I am trying not to be too hard on myself. I am lighter than I have been before, and will continue to try. That is all I can do. I have been walking for my errands to the store, bank, post office, etc lately. Hopefully that will help as well.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Weight 219.5

I have waffled between low carb and regular eating for the last two months. I have zero weight loss to show for it, but do feel comfortably solid at this new lower weight. Today was a low carb unrestricted eating day and tomorrow I will start 900 calorie, 100 gram protein, 70 gram carb, 25 gram fat again. I would like to stick with that thru the end of January (approximately 12 weeks). I could theoretically get down to about 180 in that time. That would be really nice. That is a size 14 for me. A good solid average girl size. That would be really nice.

I recently read "Good calories, Bad Calories" by Gary Taubes. It really has been a good read and really has reinforced what I already understood about how detrimental excessive carbohydrate consumption has been for me not only in regards to weight gain, but also in the way it promotes irrational hunger.

Low carb unrestricted eating allows me to maintain my weight, but I have been unsuccessful in losing weight without counting calories at the same time. Fortunately, after a few days low carbing, I experience very little hunger. I am hopeful that I have found a life long solution to my battle with weight gain.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Weight Unknown

This month has been a real struggle. This last Sunday and Monday I was at 218.0. I have eaten regular/mini binging since then. I was afraid to get on the scale today. I am guessing with carb bloat I am around 224. I am going to eat low glycemically (ala medifast) today and weigh tomorrow.

Good thing ---> I am less than I was at the start of August. My black jeans(20W) that I wore all Winter thru this Summer are mega loose. So I have made progress and feel good about that. I also feel like I have a good handle on how I need to eat to consistantly lose weight.

Bad thing ---> I just really am having a hard time doing pseudo medifast and sticking with it. Eating one thing off plan leads to another and another and pretty soon I have had a major cheat day.

I think the cure for this, is to get back on plan and stay on plan. :) On a positive note, by eating like crap for the last three (3!!) weeks, I have managed to reset my hormones. I am ready for another run at losing weight. I would love to do a full twelve weeks because I could lose around 40 lbs in that amount of time. That would put me back to a size 12/14. So starting today (again) I will be tracking via fitday, sticking to 800 calories a day. I just need to keep in mind that the first 5 days are the hardest. Make it through them, and it will get a lot easier as the carb cravings disappear.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Day 35... Weight 219.5... Pounds lost 17.5

Last week was a struggle...
9/1/09 792 cals
9/2/09 2192 cals
9/3/09 1176 cals
9/4/09 857 cals
9/5/09 2203 cals
9/6/09 760 cals
9/7/09 1533 cals

I had been loosing sloooowwwly the prior week (PMS?)and just felt so tired of eating fish, chicken, stirfries, and veggies. For those two weeks I went back and forth from 223-220. I was pretty excited this morning to see 219.5 because I had 220 grams of carbs yesterday, so I think that is my real weight (my carb filled weight). My clothes are fitting so much better and my ankle isn't swelling nearly as much. Unfortunately I have felt really tired for the last three weeks. Maybe the decrease in calories? I am not sure. All I can do is keep plugging away at it though.

I should have taken measurements. I have from 2004 at weight 229.5 my waist measurement being 45", hips 48 1/2" and right thigh 30"! Yikes. I will have to get a sewing tape measure and see where I am at. I remember at 140 I was 36-28-38. I have a long way to go. What's weird about that is that I can see that's a gain of 17" on the waist on 10 1/2" on the hips.

Anyway, I feel good today. I intend to stay on track. I would really like to get down below 210 by the end of the month. I don't know if I can, but it would be really awesome.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Three weeks down. Day 22. Weight 221.5

Things are going really really well. So well, that I don't remember what the problem has been in the past with dieting. We are moved into the new rental house and something about living here seems to make it a lot easier to diet. My husband has been really supportive about the diet and yesterday I went to a family get together with my family and my twin brother even noticed I have lost weight. I feel so much better already! Clothes that have been too tight to wear are starting to be an option again.

We live a block away from a farmer's market. This makes getting fresh produce a lot easier. This refrigerator seems to be keeping my vegetables in a lot better shape than the last one we had. (It tended to be to cold and would freeze cucumbers and lettuce and we couldn't get it to turn down without being too warm). I keep frozen tilapia, salmon, chicken breasts, and lean hamburger patties in the freezer and try to keep a good stock of fresh and frozen veggies on hand. It has really helped to not get hungry and make carby meals.

I am being really focused about not having ANY off plan days or meals until after Halloween. Then not even having off plan days or meals but ramping up my caloric intake to maintanence for two weeks and then going back to losing after the break. Lyle McDonald recommends a diet break to reset hormone levels during dieting. That makes a lot of sense to me. I aim to still log my food and stay at maintance level of around 2000 calories per day, while eating fruit, veggie, and milk carbs but no refined grain carbs. My husband suggested that I push it back so that I could be on diet break for Thanksgiving, but I really think that I am going to stick to the book with this one. November 1st would be 12 1/2 weeks of dieting... then a break for two weeks, then back on the diet to hopefully lose the remainder of the weight... perhaps taking another two week break in mid February.

I am averaging 827 calories per day so far. I have days with higher and days with lower of course. I would like to get 70 - 100 grams protein, 50 - 85 grams veggie/skim milk carbs, and 20-35 grams of fat per day. I am taking a multi-vitamin each day and using plenty of lite salt to make sure I get enough potassium. I am plagued with leg muscle cramps in the middle of the night if I am not careful about that one! I have been drinking a lot of diet coke and it does not seem to be hindering my weight loss at all. I also drink water.

So far so good. I am just focusing on each pound and each day though.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Day 15 PSMF

Weight 227.0. Today is day 15 of a new diet, that is a combination of a few different things.

Day #1 8/5/09 237.0 lbs
Total 752 Calories, 12.8 Fat Grams, 47.7 Carb Grams, 106.8 Protein Grams

Day #2 8/6/09 234.5 lbs
Total 2,106 Calories, 72.9 Fat Grams, 193.9 Carb Grams, 168.5 Protein Grams

Day #3 8/7/09 236.5 lbs
Total 811 Calories, 26.4 Fat Grams, 30.6 Carb Grams, 108.3 Protein Grams

Day #4 8/8/09 234.5 lbs
Total 799 Calories, 21.6 Fat Grams, 41.0 Carb Grams, 112.3 Protein Grams

Day #5 8/9/09 234 lbs
Total 787 Calories, 19.4 Fat Grams, 66.1 Carb Grams, 92.2 Protein Grams

Day #6 8/10/09 233 lbs
Total 800 Calories, 25.6 Fat Grams, 31.0 Carb Grams, 106.6 Protein Grams

Day #7 8/11/09 233 lbs
Total 798 Calories, 29.5 Fat Grams, 38.2 Carb Grams, 94.1 Protein Grams

Day #8 8/12/09 232 lbs
Total 605 Calories, 20.1 Fat Grams, 22.4 Carb Grams, 81.8 Protein Grams

Day #9 8/13/09 229 lbs
Total 793 Calories, 33.2 Fat Grams, 31.3 Carb Grams, 91.0 Protein Grams

Day #10 8/14/09 230 lbs
Total 693 Calories, 2.2 Fat Grams, 51.2 Carb Grams, 115.3 Protein Grams

Day #11 8/15/09 Out of town, didn't weigh
Total 800 Calories, calories are estimate, stayed low carb

Day #12 8/16/09 Out of town, didn't weigh
Total 1000 Calories, calories are estimate, stayed low carb

Day #13 8/17/09 lbs
Total 693 Calories, 2.2 Fat Grams, 51.2 Carb Grams, 115.3 Protein Grams

Thursday, July 16, 2009


And I have returned to where I started. I managed to keep track of my calories/weight via fitday for 8 days. I managed to have 3 or 4 super days in there, along with 4 or 5 over maintenance days, and wound back where I started. A lot of almost binging going on. It was enlightening to keep track of what I was doing on fitday, and I am going to try to keep up with it for as long as I can. Maybe awareness of what i am doing will at least prevent me from gaining, if not help me loose weight.

I spent some time this afternoon looking at pictures that were taken of me this spring/summer by my husband. I am real denial about how I look. I look obese. In my head, if I look fat at all, I think I look chubby cute. I don't. I look gross obese. Not cute. Not pretty. I have all this neck/chin fat that is really unpleasant to look at.

I note, that since the time I have started this blog, I have a trend of stating that I am going to do X,Y,& Z and by this and this time I will be ____ weight. I am still doing it today. Via fitday, I calculated if I watched my calories sharply, I could be at a mini-goal of 199.5 by September 30th. I have practiced this same thought process for the last 10 years. It isn't helpful. I don't know what the real answer is to my struggle. I keep trying the same things, with the same rotten results. I KNOW I need to stay off the carbs. I KNOW I need to quit binge/recreational eating. I don't know how to master that though.

It is funny to me how I have no trouble managing my $$ spending. But my caloric spending, I am like a shopaholic. It's embarrassing. Especially because everyone can see my overindulgance on my face. The truth is though, cute/chubby fat is only Halloween away, if I could manage strict control until that time.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Something's working


Onward and downward. =) Been on track for the last five days. Each day is getting a little easier. I am tracking my calories via fitday and trying to eat low glycemically (to prevent hunger as much as possible) and more fruit and veg. Produce is exceptionally cheap right now, so I have been coming home with fruits I haven't eaten in years. Feeling good. Trying to walk a little bit more than normal, but not worrying about it, if I don't get it in.

We will be moving at the end of the month, so hopefully the stress of that won't throw me off plan.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Bob Greene's questions

Why are you overweight?

I think I am overweight because over the years I have really messed up my seritonin reactions to eating. My full switch, for lack of a better term, doesn't seem to signal as quickly as other people's. I was/am able to eat simple carbs to the point of getting a chemical high from the foods I ate/eat. I used this to make myself feel better during a really stressful time in my life. I think after this happened, I have a physical chemical dependancy on food. I routinely abuse foods (that I don't even especially care for) in an effort to feel better. I will eat candy after candy, not even bothering to taste them. I know that after the last fifteen years of doing this, that when I feel bored/down it is a quick and easy cure.

As I have gained weight, it has become physically harder to exercise. What was once enjoyable exercise is no longer enjoyable. I feel like a slug. I am packing around 100 extra pounds. That makes me move less in itself.

What are you truly hungry for?

Security. Too feel loved. To feel accomplishment.

Why did you fail?

I routinely have good intentions. I can undo a day's good efforts in less than 10 minutes. I make excuses for myself, allowing my short term pleasure/enjoyment to push back the enjoyment I would get from being fit and healthy. Tomorrow comes day after day with promises for the future. At this point I have been fat for almost 5000 tomorrows. I am pushing off today's efforts for minimal pleasure.

Why do you want to lose weight?

I used to really enjoy outside activities. Hiking/camping/swimming/roller skating/biking. I felt good about myself when doing these activities. I think of myself poorly and so do think of me poorly for my inability to control my weight. This is not healthy for my body or my spirit.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Day 1

Weight 238.0

Plan 12 weeks at 1000 cal or less average. Trying to adhere (most of the time) to low glycemic eating. At least one meal per day with 10 grams of fat (to flush my gall bladder - which I have issues with).

Two weeks off.

Then a second set of 12 weeks.

That would put me at 12/31/09

Today I have eaten two scoops whey EAS whey protein powder 260 calories, 46 g. protein, 6 g. carb

one can of campbell's cream of brocolli soup which has 225 calories, 5 g. protein, 8.7 g. fat, 30 g carb

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Day 9 or 10? of low glycemic eating

This is day nine or ten (I don't have my journal with me) of low carb eating. I haven't been watching my calories at all. I have been eating a ton of calories but keeping it low carb. I was at 240.5 again today. I have been this weight for the last week almost. I obviously am not going to lose any weight unless I cut down on calories. I am going to try to keep calories below 1000 today. I brought EAS choclate protein shake powder with me to work as well as vienna sausages. That would put me at 500 calories, 58 g. protein, 8.5 g. carbs, and 24 g. fat before dinner. For dinner I think I will have a grilled chicken breast with a side salad. That would put me at less than 1000 calories, and be good on the carbs and fat.

My husband took some pictures of me on Memorial Day and today. Ugh. I have been kidding myself about how I look. I am serious this time about losing the weight and keeping the carbs low. I am headed for hypertension/diabetes/high cholestrol/hypothyroidism if I don't get this under control. My joints routinely hurt, as well as my back and knees. At this point I am more concerned about feeling healthier than I am about my looks.

I have also been taking my morning temperature for the last ten days or so. I am averaging about 1 degree down from optimum morning temp. Low thyroid function? I will continue to monitor.

Saturday, May 16, 2009


Working today.

Going to trying paleo/atkins... I ordered some Westhroid from the UK. Haven't received it yet. Should come late next week or early the following.

Here's the plan:

Average calories per day: 1000
This means that if I binge or go over, I NEED to still keep track of what I eat and account for it. I will have bad days. I will go overboard. I need to account for it. My body does.

Try to eat low glycemically. Try to eat close to whole foods.

Be prepared! It works for boy scouts and it should work for me!

Today so far:

1 Stick of wrigley's gum - 2 carbs, 7 calories
2 cups sleepy time tea w/ 1 packet sweet and low .5 carbs, 2 calories
canned chicken - 2.5 carbs, 125 calories, 25 g. protein

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Friday, May 8, 2009

Try try again

238.5 Weight is down today, but that is not because I did anything successful yesterday. I ate maintenance calories ~2500. I don't know why it goes wrong when it does. It is such a simple thing to eat less and exercise, but so hard to do!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

A revised plan

Thursday 11:30 A.M.
Weight this morning 240.5
Things got out of control the last 4 days. I don't know why this has gotten so hard. I am drinking my 200 cal whey protein shake (38 grams protein!). I think i will try to go back to two 200 calorie meals (focusing on protein) and then a sensible dinner with my husband. I will eat what he eats, but try to throw in an extra vegetable for myself and try to keep the calories in a healthy range. This has worked in the past. I can make it work now. I am so tired of lugging my weight around. It's hard to get up from the floor for heavens sake!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Yesterday not so successful, here is looking at today!


Can of olives - 220 calories
two tortillas - 240
chicken - 150
cheese - 100
guac - 100
sour cr. - 160
jelly beans - 200
strawberries - 90
5 ice cream bars - 960
3 hamburger buns - 360
taco meat - 450
guac - 100
veggies - 20
2 tortillas - 300
sour cream - 150
cheese - 150

Total 3750


But... positive view is that I at least kept track of the calories. Weight is down today 1/2 lb (from yesterday's start weight of 239). All I can do today is keep it under the 1500 and get some exercise. Yesterday is in the past and doesn't own today.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

First exerise down

I did it. 30 minutes fast walking. I am beat. Turns out that I am REALLY out of shape. It shouldn't make a person tired to walk fast for half an hour. Turns out that if you do it packing an extra 100 pounds it is hard!

I don't believe in exercise to accomplish weight loss per se. I think it is GREAT for you health, helps prevent saggy skin, improves confidence that you can make yourself do what you say your going to do, etc... However, I just burned 230 calories. That is a little over two of the reeses I ate earlier. I ate the reeses in a matter of minutes. The walking took a looong time. For me, I have learned over the years to not beat myself up over the lack of exercise while dieting. If I put my attention to eating less, that is what counts. As I lose weight, I naturally want to do more in the way of exercise. I naturally LIKE to exercise, but when you have to pack around an extra 100 pounds while doing it, it takes all the fun out of it! So I will try to exercise over the coming weeks... but if I don't, I am not going to fault myself for it at all. I tend to do a lot better if I don't overwhelm myself with exercise and diet all at once after not doing either for some time. I can't honestly remember the last time I exercised beyond today. I feel bad about it, but ever since I hurt my ankle over a year ago, my ankle has not been what it used to be, so I baby it.

The 8000th Day 1

I am trying this again. Another diet. Another way to live. Hopefully..... scratch that... not hopefully. This time I WILL stick with it and be successful.

Start weight ~240. I will weigh tomorrow morning after being successful today. This will minimize the fake weight that people usually lose in the first day. I have 100 lbs to lose. As an adult the lowest weight I have been is 136. I am 5' 6 1/2". XL bones.

I have eaten today:

4 Yogurts - Calories 380
4 Reeces - Calories 420
Wasabi Party Mix - Calories 110

right now I am at 910.
I am shooting to keep it under 1500 today. We are having chicken quesadillas tonight for dinner. I will keep it at half a quesadilla and that will keep me under 1500.

I have lost "the weight" a few times. Or at least lost enough weight to really feel good about myself.

Age 18 - lost from 187 down to 140 (low of 136) over a period of three to four months. I felt so much better. I worked full time in restaurants (on my feet all day) and was going to school full time. I remained around 142 for a least two or three years. Then I started to creep upwards. I remember working two jobs the summer I was 22. I remember at that point I had gained up to about 160-165 and I remember feeling fear, or that I didn't feel like I knew how to make it go down anymore. I met my husband that fall and know I was right around 168 that Thanksgiving. By the time we moved in together that next spring I was up to 175 and didn't know how to turn it around. I gained up to 185 by that fall, but would manage at times to get it back under 175.

By age 25 it had climbed up to 195? I was doing a lot of physical labor at the time and I know I felt the weight in my back and knees by this point. My 14's barely fit, if they did at all. I don't remember. I don't think I have any .... I do have one pair of 16's from that period. I think I bought them and immediately started to lose...

I lost down to 163 over the period of 2 or three months. I was eating low glycemically and had no food in the house at all during this time period. I do remember feeling really, really cute at 163 after being close to 200. There is a world of difference in how people view you at those two weights.

By the summer of 2001 I was back up to 190? I was doing a lot of comfort eating during this time. I remember eating until stuffed a lot of nights in a row....

Until 2004 I gradually gained up to 240. I changed jobs that fall and immediately started losing. The new job wasn't near as stressful as the old one. I think I used a combination of diet pills, low calorie, spurts of low glycemic at this time... I got down to 193. I received a lot of compliments from people at work. I could once again fit into a size 16 and a XL shirt. It opened up a world of clothes again. I have a lot of cute clothing from this size waiting for me in storage.

Over the last 4 years I have gradually put it all back on. I am here again. 240. Swollen ankles. Bad knees. Bad back. I am getting higher and higher blood pressure. The sugar fog I experience at times reminds me that I will end up with diabetes if I don't get this under control soon. My brother has type one... most of my extended family has/had type II.

Right now I am only going to focus on getting back down under 200 lbs. I think having to think about the whole amount I need to lose is a little overwhelming. At 200 lbs I will be able to wear a ton of clothes that are toted up. It won't be as hot this summer if I weigh less. My knees won't hurt and my ankles hopefully won't swell like they have been. Forty pounds. That is doable. I am going to try to cut out the more refined carbs. I am not going to say that I am not going to eat any. I have a real issue with the all or nothing mentallity. I will take each day as it comes and hopefully even with the bad days that I am going to have, if I can keep the running average somewhere between 1000 - 1500 calories per day, I will be doing really well. The last time I lost weight (starting from 240) I know that over the course of 31 days I averaged 1000 calories per day and lost 21.5 lbs. I am hoping to mimic this. If I could lose around twenty, I know the success breeds success thing will kick in and it will get easier. I am wearing a pair of 20W jeans. Reality check time.

Using the calorie calculator at freedieting.com tells me that right now my maintenance calories are 2486. At 140 my maintenance calories will be 1861 (at the same activity level). I need to get used to eating 625 calories less a day to get where I am going. If I walk 1/2 hour per day I will burn an additional 230 calories. I can lose almost 1/2 lb per day during this initial phase of weight loss. So... I am going to go walk for the next half hour. =)