261.0 down to 178.0

261.0 down to 178.0

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


I was really happy to see 244.6 on the scale this morning. I didn't expect it after yesterday's struggle. Last night was hard. Sometimes when I am tracking my food intake, I get this strong compulsion to eat a lot and not track any of it. I should have maybe "allowed" myself more calories earlier in the evening when I saw it was going to be so difficult. It's funny though to me... I can't pinpoint anything in the prior days consumption that triggered such huge cravings. Is it possible part of an apple each day did that? I just don't know.

Lunch (don't remember what time): 7.16 g (raw wgt) tilapia with 10 g. mayo (+light sprinkling of paprika,parsley and lemon juice), salad made of 1 can green beans (228g), 15 g mayo and 9 g onion (+5 drops EZ-Sweetz, a splash of vinegar and black pepper to taste)

Snack (4:30pm): 2 cups unsweetened vanilla almond milk

Dinner (9:00pm): 4.6 oz (80/20, raw weight) ground beef cooked in a patty with 1/4 egg and 25 g raw onion mixed in the patty. Salad made of 1 can of green beans (237g), 8 g raw onion and 23 g mayo (+5 drops EZ-Sweetz, a splash of vinegar and black pepper to taste)

Satiety was 9/10 after each meal/snack I ate today. I didn't have food fixation/thoughts in the evening either. It was a good day!

Daily totals:

997 calories, 65.7 g Fat, 27.7 (-13.1 g Fiber) = 14.6 g NET carbs, 76.5 g Protein


Was the day so much easier because of the lower carb count? I don't know. I think I am going to start noting the ease of the day (mentally struggling to stay on plan/eat 1000 calories) on a 1-10 scale. 1 being not a problem at all and 10 being the hardest day ever to stay on plan.

Today was a 2.

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