261.0 down to 178.0

261.0 down to 178.0

Thursday, February 21, 2013


247.4 lbs this morning... the same as yesterday. Morning waking temperature was 97.7 and fasting blood sugar 103. I am having a diet root beer now (11am). It's beautiful outside today. Very sunny although it's still pretty cold out (low 40s?).

Lunch (1:45pm): 4 oz (raw wgt) chicken breast BLSL, 3 g. coconut oil, 30 g cheddar, 20 g mayo, 86 g. iceberg lettuce and 45 g. frozen peas

Hunger before eating 7/10. Satiety after eating 7/10.

Today is my birthday. I wanted to go out to Chinese, but didn't feel like I would be able to get back to my diet easily, so I am not having birthday cake or eating out. My husband understands how hard it is for me to diet, so he was supportive of whatever I wanted to do. He is really wonderful about my weight/dieting.

I am glad tonight will be the end of the chicken breast that I cooked up in coconut oil (I cooked 23.8 oz with 18 grams of coconut oil up the other day and have been eating 1/6 of it in each of my meals). I am tired of having it and am ready to be done with it. I am going to make up a broccoli bacon salad (no raisins) tonight and split it up into containers for the next few days. I also hope to get a good recipe for the LCHF waffles and get those made up. I bought some jalapenos yesterday as well, to make cream cheese jalapenos with. I hope the peppers are kinda mild. They were smoking hot last time I made them, so I've been leary to try again. They are really large ones. I tend to like to make something and have it for several days and then I get tired of it and move on to something else. It makes it easier to figure out what I can have calorie/nutrition wise and I don't have to think about food as much.

It's possible I might have a higher calorie day today (same carbs/protein). I don't want to lose weight so quickly I get hair thinning. I have dieted for a long time before at 1000 calories per day though and don't feel like this is "too low".

Dinner (4:30pm): Flatout wrap with 4 oz (raw wgt) BLSL chicken breast, 22 g cheddar, 22 g mayo, 12 g mustard

Hunger before eating 8/10. Satiety after eating 7/10.

Snack (8:30pm): 2 cups unsweetened almond breeze (vanilla)

Totals for day:

994 calories, 67.3 g Fat / 31.6 - 14.3 = 17.3 g NET carbs / 73.0 g protein


I am proud of sticking to it today. =)

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