Fasting blood sugar at noon: 108. Not very good. I would like to be consistently under 100, but I can't get it under. I am upping my dose of Glucophage 1000 XR to twice a day, from once a day. I will continue to monitor and see if it makes a good difference. I have been it for about 4-5 months now I think.
I was pleased with this morning's weigh in.
Breakfast (1:30pm): 1.45 oz cooked bacon and 97 g (about 60% of a sm-med fuji apple) raw apple. (Note I wanted to eat the whole apple, but felt that would definately be to many carbs at one sitting. I made sure to start eating the bacon before I ate the apple slices as well (per Dr. Bernstein's recommendations). The 97 grams of apple is 13.4 g carbohydrates per Fitday. Because the bacon contained more fat and protein than that, I hope I will be safe to eat part of an apple like this occasionally. I will monitor how I feel throughout the rest of today to see if it will work. I put the rest of the apple in our refrigerator in a Ziploc and will have it tomorrow if it doesn't look too sad by then. I hate to throw out part of an apple, especially when it is as delicious as this one was. Unfortunately the only way to buy small apples in this area, is to buy them in the 3 lb bags... but I couldn't eat that many apples to make that work either.
Hunger before eating 7/10. Satiety after eating 7/10.
Lunch (4:30pm): Green Bean Salad (1 can green beans, 30 g cheddar, 1.02 oz cooked bacon, 25 g mayo, 15 g onion + black pepper). This salad was delicious with the bacon. I cut the bacon into small pieces with my kitchen scissors. Great flavor and was perfectly filling. (Not to full but just right). I am worried somewhat that it will be difficult for me to make it tonight, as I only have about 240 calories left available today (if I don't want to get over 1000 calories). I am starting to get a good idea of what to eat each day, at what times, to be able to handle 1000 calories per day without too much hunger or food fixation.
Hunger before eating 8/10. Satiety after eating 8/10.
Dinner (6:00pm): Light Flatout Wrap with 44 grams Braunschweiger.
Hunger before eating 7/10. Satiety after eating 7/10.
Daily Totals:
999 calories, 72.8 g Fat, 45.5 (-16.9 g Fiber) = 28.6 g NET carbs, 50.6 g Protein
I am going to have a cup of hot tea with lemon juice and EZ-Sweetz now.
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