261.0 down to 178.0

261.0 down to 178.0

Sunday, March 31, 2013


Breakfast 10am: coffee with 52 grams heavy cream, 7 drops of EZ-Sweetz and a tiny pinch of salt.

10:30am - We (my two dogs and I) went for a 1 mile walk.

Lunch (2:30pm): 6.10 oz green cabbage, 5.71 oz raw cauliflower, 1.83 oz baked ham, 31 grams mayo, 5 drops EZ-Sweetz, splash of rice wine vinegar, garlic powder, salt & pepper

I'd eaten over half of it before I remembered to take a picture...

Snack (4:50pm): 4.80 oz California avocado with a tsp lemon juice and a pinch of salt

Dinner (5:50pm): 1.90 oz baked ham

Daily Totals:

1,000 calories, 83.3 grams fat, 33.0 grams (-17.6 grams fiber) = 15.4 grams NET carbs, 37.7 grams protein

73%f, 12%c, 15%p

I am sure I am going to be hungry for the rest of the night and experience SERIOUS carb cravings. I am just going to have to be strong.

(This is the next day). I wasn't strong. I had a bunch of little candy bars, a frozen cheeseburger with mayo and pickles, a piece of apple pie, navy beans with ham and cheddar cheese... I think that is all.

Saturday, March 30, 2013


lunch (2:00pm): 5.50 (cooked weight) ham with 6 tsp dijon mustard

Later... it AGAIN went out of control. I had chips and salsa, macaroni and cheese with peas (boxed mac), a frozen cheeseburger with mayo and pickles added and more of the apple pie. UGH. (it is now the next day and I am up another pound). I can gain weight sooo quickly when I go crazy.

Friday, March 29, 2013


Breakfast: 50 grams heavy cream with coffee and 7 drops EZ-Sweetz

Lunch (2:00pm): 4.59 (raw weight) oz raw ground beef, with 2.72 oz raw onions, 4.23 oz green cabbage and then mixed with 1.34 oz sour cream, salt & pepper

Dinner (5:30pm): 2.86 oz (cooked wgt) ground beef, 3.21 oz salsa, 17 grams jalapeno cheese & 0.88 oz sour cream

9pm, I went off the rails and ate refried beans, bbq ground beef, cheese, sour cream and salsa with corn chips (a LOT) then ate about 1/5 of an apple pie crisp (commercial). I don't know what the calories or weights were. (This is the next day I am typing this). Not cool. I've got to get it back together.

Thursday, March 28, 2013


Lunch: 8.03 oz ground beef (raw weight) with 3.63 oz celery, 11.15 oz mushrooms and 3.77 oz sour cream

Snack: 56 grams cashews

Dinner: 7.65 oz (raw weight) petite sirloin (lean only) grilled. ~6 oz (I forgot to weigh the asparagus) asparagus and 18 grams butter.

Snack (11:45pm): Light flatout wrap with 29 grams mayo, 54 grams bologna and 39 grams cheddar cheese Daily totals:

2,274 calories, 170.4 grams fat, 61.9 grams (-19.2 grams fiber) = 42.7 grams NET carbs, 138.0 grams protein

65%f, 11%c, 24%p

Protein was way to high today. I am okay with the calories. The day after a off carb day is not a good day to try to restrict your low carb calorie intake. I wouldn't have eaten the cashews if I had known my husband was going to grill the steaks... but overall, I am just happy to be back on track. I salted my food really heavily today, to try to prevent muscle cramps and I am trying to drink a lot of water to get my body hydrated. The migraine last night was probably somewhat prompted by dehydration. I am hopeful to have a normal day tomorrow (1000 calories, 20-35ish carbs, 50-60 protein).

Today my husband fixed my little 94 Geo Metro (it had an ignition issue), then we took it to the car wash. I love that little car, so am really happy to be running around in it again. (We got it last year. I had been wanting one for a long time, because it gets great mileage and doesn't have any of the stupid electronics they put in a prius or whatever these days).

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Lunch (1:00pm): light flatout wrap, 23 grams mayo, 56 grams oscar meyer bologna, 41 grams cheddar cheese

Snack (4:30pm): 4 grams cocoa powder with 100 grams heavy cream, a few drops vanilla extract, a tiny amount of salt and boiling water

I am struggling soooo much right now. No calorie restriction efforts tonight. I am just going to try to keep my carb and protein count where it should be.

We went to Golden Corral last night (this is the next day that I am updating this post). I had a ton of mashed potatoes, chips and guacamole, imitation crab salad, carrot cake, a couple of chocolate chip cookies, a couple of spring rolls, a piece of fried catfish, a couple pieces of pineapple.

Later, when we got home, I ate a lot of chips and salsa, oreos... I think I ate something else as well. It was a lot of food.

I had a migraine in the middle of the night. It was horrible. Definately not worth the fun or joy of getting to eat a bunch of junk. It was one of the worst migraines I've had in a long time. I had heart burn as well. Just... yuck. The food wasn't very good. The body just really didn't like what I fed it.

I of course didn't keep track of calories, I am guessing it I totaled out at 4440.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Lunch (3:15pm): 4.30 oz (raw weight) ground 80/20 beef with 6.03 oz mushrooms, 3.21 oz celery, 1.76 oz sour cream, salt and pepper

Snack (5:45pm): 28 grams cashews

Dinner: 177 grams Hormel Beanless chili with 49 grams jalapeno cheese and 1.23 oz sour cream

Snack (8:45pm): 16 oz cabbage with 34 grams butter

Daily totals:

1,404 calories, 105.0 grams fat, 62.7 grams (-17.7) = 45.0 grams NET carbs, 62.6 grams protein

66%f, 17%c, 17%p

Monday, March 25, 2013


Lunch (3:00pm): 7.02 oz asparagus with 20 grams butter. 3.74 (raw weight) 80/20 ground beef cooked with 1.16 oz raw onion, 3.60 oz mushrooms, 8.99 oz raw green cabbage, then mixed with 1.62 oz sour cream, salt & pepper

Snack (6:30pm): 133 grams jalapeno jack cheese

King size reese's. 5 oz tortilla chips, 3/4 can refried beans, 2 chicken eggrolls, 2.5 oz cheese, 4 oz sour cream, 4 oz salsa, 1 & 1/2 cups rice meat broccoli stuff, 1/4 cup sweet and sour sauce

Daily totals:

3,508 calories, 209.7 grams fat, 281.9 grams (-42.6 grams fiber) = 239.3 grams NET carbs, 139.8 grams protein

53%f, 32%c, 16%p

I obviously went off the rails last night. I at least wrote everything down, although some were estimates after the fact... (but I think the estimates are really close).

Sunday, March 24, 2013

238.6 (but weighed 6 hours earlier than normal)

Fasting blood sugar - 108.

Breakfast: 1.47 oz Bacon (cooked weight)

Lunch (4:20 pm): 4.20 (raw weight) 80/20 ground beef cooked with 6.53 oz mushrooms and then tossed with 1.69 oz sour cream, salt and pepper to taste. Served with 7.05 oz (raw weight) asparagus with 11 grams butter.

This hamburger, mushroom, sour cream, S&P concoction is very similar in flavor to a stroganoff. I would like to get a julienne peeler that I can use to make zucchini "noodles" that I would saute and serve this concoction over. That would be quite delicious. It's amazing to me how low calorie my days have been, while having such decadent plates of food. I haven't been having the potato / bread cravings I usually have when I eat low carb. I think it is just that small increase in fat that I have done this time. What's funny though, is how little sour cream, heavy cream or butter I add to a dish to really increase the calories. For example, with this meal the asparagus was 50 calories and the butter was 79 calories.

I wanted to note that last night in bed I had joint pain in my ankles. Am I sensitive to asparagus? Need to notice over the next couple days of the rest of the asparagus gives me joint pain.

Dinner (7:15pm): 50 grams heavy cream with 4 grams Hershey's Baking Cocoa Powder, 10 drops EZ-Sweets, 5 drops imitation vanilla flavoring, a tiny pinch of salt and hot water. Served with 20 grams (1/2 serving) of Sugar Free Dark Chocolate (90 calories worth)

Daily totals:

1,076 calories, 87.2 grams fat, 21.8 (6.8 grams fiber) = 15.0 NET carbs, 8.5 grams Sugar alcohols, 51.7 grams protein

69%f, 7%c, 5%SA, 19%P

Saturday, March 23, 2013


Lunch (4:30pm): 8.40 oz asparagus with 15 grams butter. Then 4.09 oz (raw weight) 80/20 ground beef cooked with 3.21 oz celery, 6.00 oz sliced mushrooms and mixed with 1.62 oz sour cream.

This was the most delicious meal I have fixed since I have started this diet. It was amazing. I cooked the asparagus by putting it in a bowl with about 1/4 cup of water and steaming it in the microwave (with a plate on top) for about 5 minutes. Then I added the butter when I plated it. The hamburger, celery, mushroom, sour cream combo was also very very very good. This meal came out to 612 calories, 46.0 g fat, 19.5 (-8.2 grams fiber) = 11.3 grams NET carbs, and 32.6 grams protein. Fabulous stats and soooo tasty.

We went to the store this afternoon. We got 67 lbs of boneless pork shoulder ($0.99 per pound!!) that I am going to make homemade sausage out of. Store bought sausage always gives me a stomach ache from the nitrates. So this will be a lot cheaper and a lot healthier. I got a 2.5 lb package of mushrooms for $5.49!! and asparagus for $0.99 per pound! (I have never got it that cheap in my whole life)! I also got a head of cauliflower for $1.29. So I am set for a while with great veggies and I LOVE it when we can stock up on meat for a cheap price. I have a meat grinder and so we are going to grind the pork shoulder up with it and package it in individual quart freezer bags. If you don't have a stand alone freezer, you should think about buying one. We bought one off of Craigslist for about $80. It paid for itself very quickly. We buy a lot of a meat any time we find a great sale and package it up into single meal sizes (there is just my husband and me). At any given time we normally have 50-80 lbs of beef hamburger, 20-30 pounds of chicken, 20-30 pounds of pork (shoulder, steaks, bacon, sausage, etc) and 4-5 pounds of beef steak. Beef steak is the hardest thing for us to find on a good sale. I am hoping that on father's day we can really hit the beef steak sales, as most stores seem to think everyone grills in the backyard for father's day. Right now though, I am very happy to make my veggie meat (that I eat almost every day) with either hamburger or chicken. I think making them with sausage will be a nice combo as well. Two years ago, I did a zero carb diet (all meat diet) for 50 days. During that time I ate a ton of beef steak and kinda got burned out on it. So it's not a big deal for me now to make my veggie meat mixes with a cheaper cut of meat. This way of eating doesn't need to be any more expensive than the standard american diet (SAD) if you shop sales and plan your meals. I think a family of 4 or 5 could eat just as cheaply as a SAD eating family if they use a freezer and buy a lot of in season low carb vegetables. Maybe my veggie-meat mixes don't appeal to most people though. I don't know. To me, they are quite delicious and by adding different combos of veggies and different meats I come up with a lot of different variations. Mainly though, after eating them, I feel happily full, but never feel gross full.

A lot of people complain that Atkins or low carb or whatever is too based on meat, but I think you can see from my food logs that it actually isn't any more meat. It a lot more veggies than I normally eat and a lot more sour cream and heavy cream. About the same amount of cheese as I used to eat, I think. More nuts than I used to eat. (We got salted roasted cashew (pieces) today at our local store that has bulk bins for $2.88 per pound).

My husband and I live a very frugal, modest lifestyle and we can really keep our food costs down by buying in bulk and repackaging. We also bought a 5 pound bag of shredded cheddar/mozzarella blend today. We split that up as well into 4 (1) quart freezer bags. Cheese freezes well, if you push all the air out of the freezer bag before you freeze it that you can and then temper it in the refrigerator before you want to use it. The 5 pound bag of cheese was $12.54. If you have never purchased food at a restaurant supply, or felt that your family was too small to buy in bulk, you should reconsider. =)

Dinner (7:15pm): 3.99 oz (raw weight) 80/20 ground beef cooked with 2.93 oz celery, 6.00 oz mushrooms and then mixed with 1.62 oz sour cream, salt and pepper to taste.

Daily totals:

1,029 calories, 78.7 grams fat, 26.7 grams (-10.3 grams fiber) = 16.4 grams NET carbs, 56.6 grams protein

68%f, 10%c, 22%p

I took a Melatonin tonight to see if it would help me get back onto a normal sleeping schedule (it's 7:22pm now).

I also wanted to say again how helpful celery can be for bulking up your LCHF meals with very little carb cost. I throw it in with the raw meat and slice it as thin as I can, so it can get nice and tender. When cooked like that, it doesn't add the crunchy stringy aspect you tend to think about with celery. It's not too different than cabbage when cooked like that.

Friday, March 22, 2013


I was happy to see I am back down to my lowest weight (for this go around). That took 5 days (!!!) to get the weight back off after one out of control day. I need to remember that. I should look and see how long it took after I had the Chinese food. It looks as if it took 4/5 days that time as well. I will really have to keep this in mind. I DO know that I will go off plan at times though... and I probably need to keep that as a reasonable possibility in my head so this doesn't seem such a chore, because honestly, I am pretty satisfied most days and enjoy not being so food fixated.

Brunch (noon): 4.02 oz raw 80/20 hamburger, 1.87 oz celery, 1.21 oz green pepper, 2.75 oz mushrooms, 2.75 oz spinach and then mixed with 1.94 oz sour cream and a pinch (literally) of xanthan gum.

Today marks 5 weeks (with 2 real "off days") that I have been on plan. I have come down 16.2 lbs (of which 3 to 4 pounds is water weight).

Snack: 32 grams peanut butter

Snack: 3 Baby Bell Cheeses

Dinner: Hot cocoa made with 50 grams heavy cream, 4 grams hershey's cocoa baking powder, 10 drops EZ-Sweetz liquid splenda, tiny pinch of salt and hot water. (GOOOD!!!)

Daily totals:

1,044 calories, 86.6 grams fat, 21.7 grams (-6.6 grams fiber) = 15.1 grams NET carbs, 51.0 grams protein

73%f, 8%c, 19%p

I'm kinda struggling tonight (it's 9:15pm now), but I really would like to see a new low tomorrow, so I'm trying not to have any more food tonight. If it gets to hard I might have a piece of cheese... but if I do I will revise this post later.

My body is starting to feel thinner. Probably no one else could tell I've lost weight, but I can. =)

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Breakfast (1:15pm): 3.77 oz California avocado with cup of hot orange pekoe tea with 5 drops EZ-Sweetz and a tsp lemon juice

Lunch: 4.23 oz raw 80/20 hamburger cooked with 2.57 oz sliced mushrooms, 5.22 oz green cabbage, 1.87 oz raw spinach and then mixed with 1.73 oz sour cream

Dinner (6:30pm): 3.00 (cooked wgt) 80/20 hamburger mixed with 1.19 oz salsa, 16 grams cheese, 2.12 oz spinach and 0.92 oz sour cream (this was like a taco spinach salad... I should have taken a picture).

Daily totals:

1,020 calories, 76.7 grams fat, 30.9 (-14.8 grams fiber) = 16.1 grams NET carbs, 58.1 grams protein

66%f, 11%c, 23%p

I think these ratios and amount of food was spot on. I felt good all day long. Not too much hunger, I was really satisfied after each of my meals and I was happy with the fiber as well. Each meal felt like there was a satisfying amount of vegetables and the sour cream really makes it seem rich. I have thought about limiting my dairy and seeing if I feel a lot better eating without it, but I think I will continue on with these sort of meals for the time being.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


I felt kind of heavy before I weighed myself this morning, so I am hopeful that tomorrow will have 237 or 238 weight.

Lunch (3:50pm): 9.14 (raw weight) boneless skinless chicken thighs cooked with 2.79 oz mushrooms, 1.16 oz (frozen) green bell peppers, 8.01 oz green cabbage, then mixed with 22 grams green onion and 3.99 oz sour cream. This was a delicious lunch. 659 calories though, so I will have to try to limit what I eat this evening. My protein is really close to what I want to end up at today, so I will have to either have avocado, nuts, cheese or maybe coffee with heavy cream to finish out the day.

I bought about 14 lbs of the boneless skinless chicken thighs ($0.99 per pound!) and portioned them out into 2 thighs in each freezer baggy and froze a whole bunch. I also picked up a couple avocados and will have one of them this evening. They were super delicious last time I got them, so I hope these ones are as good.

Dinner (9:40pm): 4.06 oz California avocado with a squeeze of lemon and pinch of salt (yum!)

Daily totals:

851 calories, 56.6 grams fat, 33.7 grams (-15.4 grams fiber) = 18.3 grams NET carbs, 58.4 grams protein

58%f, 14%c, 28%p

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Breakfast: 28 grams cashews

Lunch: 227 grams Beanless Hormel Chili with 37 grams cheese and 1.66 oz sour cream

Snack: Light Flatout Wrap with 22 grams mayo, 54 grams bologna (2 slices) and 96 grams tomato

Dinner: 3.92 oz meatballs (cooked weight) in canned spaghetti sauce (only the sauce that cling-ed to the meatballs after pulling them out of the pot), with 29 grams cheese and 1.38 oz sour cream

Daily totals:

1,527 calories, 113.6 grams fat, 55.3 grams (-14.2 grams fiber) = 41.1 grams NET carbs, 81.2 grams protein

65%f, 14%c, 21%p

I was kinda surprised to see how high my calories ended up today. I didn't really feel like I ate that much... but I guess I did! I don't feel like it was a "bad" day though. The fat grams are fine (although higher than I shoot for) and the carbs were fine as well. If anything the protein was maybe a little higher than I would like. I HAVE been adding more cheese and sour cream to stuff recently, with the intention of raising my fat percentage, but it does make it hard to keep my calories as low as they had been.

Monday, March 18, 2013


Morning fasting blood sugar 143!!! I also had acid reflux to the point I woke up and thought I had thrown-up. GROSS! Lesson learned. (I hope!!!)

Lunch (3:20pm): 172 grams (about 40% of a can) of Hormel beanless chili with 40 grams jalapeno jack cheese & 1.23 oz sour cream

Snack: 42 grams jalapeno jack cheese

Dinner: 13 grams butter, 3 large eggs, 1.16 oz raw spinach and 34 grams jalapeno jack cheese

Daily totals:

983 calories, 73.3 grams fat, 23.4 (-2.9 grams fiber) = 20.5 grams NET carbs, 56.9 grams protein

66%f, 9%c, 24%p

Exactly where I would like the nutrition percentages to be today. I drank about 1.5 liters of diet cola as well. (Not what I would like to do, ideally... but I felt like it would really help me get back on track today, which it did). We went to the store and I picked up some more eggs, almond milk, heavy cream, the jalapeno jack cheese (YUM BTW), some frozen spinach and mushrooms and a bunch of diet soda.

Sunday, March 17, 2013


Wow. I had a bad day diet wise.

Breakfast 252 grams cottage cheese.

Lunch: 45 grams cashew nuts

Snack: Light flatout wrap with 43 grams cheese, 0.99 oz sour cream, 2 tbsp salsa

Snack: 41 grams cheddar cheese

Snack: 14 grams cheddar ruffles

Snack: "Shake" made with 26 grams designer whey vanilla protein powder, ice cubes and 55 grams frozen raspberries

Snack: 131 grams cheddar ruffles

Snack: 92 grams Peanut M&Ms.

Snack: 115 grams Peanut M&Ms

Snack: 1 Cinnamon Hard Candy

Snack: 2 1/2 Servings Chicken Stove Top Stuffing

Snack: 5 Bite Size Butterfinger Candy

Daily totals:

3,392 calories, 170.3 grams fat, 355.0 grams (-31.4 grams Fiber) = 323.6 grams NET carbs, 131.0 grams protein

44%F, 41%C, 15%P

So that's what a binge looks like... It's embarrassing to write out. I am proud that I recorded it though. It's interesting to see what it actually adds up to. That's like 8 days worth of carbs in one day. Also, double the fat and protein than I normally want to eat as well. To tell the truth, I could go eat a bunch more junk too. Tomorrow is going to be HARD as a result, I am sure. *sigh*

I took my blood sugar about 30 minutes PP and it was 118.

Saturday, March 16, 2013


My scale isn't giving me consistent weights anymore. I am going to change the battery. When it has a good battery it is pretty consistent. I got a 238.2, a 238.0 and a 239.0! Normally it is really consistent if you get on and get off again and again.

Either my back or my kidneys hurt this morning. Not sure what that's about either. I slept good. I wondered if all that soda I drank yesterday while playing Skyrim (1.5 liters of diet coke!) made my kidneys hurt.

Breakfast: 3.70 oz raw California avacodo.

Lunch: Soup made with 3.88 oz cooked boneless skinless chicken breast, 2.5 cups homemade chicken broth, 2.57 oz celery, 1.76 oz mushrooms, 1.23 oz raw spinach, 29 g heavy cream and 1.98 oz sour cream

Dinner: 27 grams cashews and "Wired" Low calorie (20 calories) energy drink

Snack (11:00pm): 46 grams medium cheddar cheese

I broke the coffee pot today, so that's sad. I played a lot of Skyrim as well. Pretty laid back Saturday. =)

Daily totals:

1163 calories, 76.1 grams fat, 57.5 grams (-10.8) = 46.7 grams NET carbs, 70.5 grams Protein

56%F, 19%C, 24%P

Higher in carb that I should have done. I'll see if tomorrow is a struggling day as a result. Today was pretty easy. 2/10 for ease of staying on track?

Friday, March 15, 2013


I really was kinda surprised not to see a lower weight this morning. I have been really good. It is what it is though. The dieting has gotten a lot easier... and if I lose slowly, it is better than not at all.

Today makes 4 weeks that I have been LCHF. I have lost a total of 14.6 lbs, of which about 3 lbs was water weight, so I think about 11.6 pounds of fat. That is almost 3 lbs per week in fat loss. That's really good! I guess I won't be dissappointed that I am not lower than I am today.

Breakfast (1:30pm): coffee with 38 grams heavy cream and 9 drops EZ-Sweetz liquid sucralose

Lunch (4:15pm): 1 California Avacado (3.92 oz without peel or nut)

Dinner (6:30pm): 3.56 oz (raw weight) 80/20 ground beef cooked with 2.72 oz celery, 0.88 oz raw onion, 3.39 oz green cabbage, 19 grams butter and 1.31 oz sour cream

I am drinking a 1.5 Liter Diet Pepsi today (I haven't had soda for a couple weeks I think). I got my Skyrim (xbox) game in the mail and started playing it today. (Fun!!!!)

Snack (9:15pm): 28 grams cashew nuts

Daily totals:

996 calories, 88.2 grams fat, 30.5 grams (-12.3 grams fiber) = 18.2 grams NET carbs, 28.3 grams protein

77%F, 12%C, 11%P

Protein was lower than I intended it to be today.

I bought some beef kidneys and heart today and I am going to try to make a stew with them. I am curious how they will turn out. If it ends up yucky, I can always feed it to my dogs.

I am still not getting tired of the beef / cabbage meal that I have been having pretty much every day. I love cabbage. I have also found, that by using about 1/2 to 1/3 celery, you don't really alter the delicious cabbage taste, but it brings down the carbs a bit.

Thursday, March 14, 2013


Breakfast: 28 grams cashews

Lunch: 1 tin Polar Herring in Tomato Sauce

Snack: cup of coffee with 39 grams heavy cream and 8 drops EZ-Sweetz liquid splenda

Dinner: 1.80 oz (cooked weight) beef (all fat removed) cooked with 29 grams butter, 10.44 oz (raw weight) green cabbage and 0.95 oz sour cream (mixed in after cooking), salt and pepper

I read all of the blog eatlowcarbhighfat.com last night. It is the blog of a Swedish man who has lost over 200 lbs (over HALF of his start weight) on a low carb high fat diet. If you are interested in trying LCHF, his blog is very informative. It really made me think I should be trying to go a little lower on carb / protein and higher on fat. I will still try to minimize my total nutrition (calorie) intake at the same time. My goal is of course to lose my excess weight in a quick, healthy fashion, while not struggling unduly with hunger. (I think that excessive hunger would be an indication that my body is not able to readily access my excessive fat stores). I think if I am eating correctly (for MY body's metabolic / physiologic issues), my body should be able to start using this excess fat. The less struggle it is, the greater indication there is that I am eating in a manner that benefits my excess insulin response to carbs. I tried to eat higher fat today (I added 29 grams of butter to my beef & cabbage mix while cooking it tonight when I wouldn't have done that during the last month).

My daily totals:

996 calories, 79.1 grams Fat, 33.9 (-8.3 grams Fiber) = 25.6 g NET carbs, 44.4 grams Protein

70%F, 13%C, 17%P

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Not sure what is up with my weight. I am going to assume it is progesterone that has me retaining water.

Breakfast (11:15am): Coffee with 46 grams heavy cream and 8 drops EZ-Sweetz

Lunch: 17 g butter, 9.74 oz cabbage, 3.95 oz raw ground beef (80/20), 2.01 oz celery and 1.31 oz sour cream

Dinner (7:30pm): 2.22 oz radish, 8.43 oz raw turnip, 115 grams drained canned tuna (in water), 27 grams mayo and 18 grams green onion

Daily totals:

1,119 calories, 83.7 grams fat, 37.4 g (-12.7 g fiber) = 24.7 g NET carbs, 57.5 grams protein

66%F, 12%C, 21%P

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Fast blood sugar: 106.

Breakfast (2:45pm): 28 grams cashews & cup (black) Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime Tea

Lunch 4:30pm: 2.93 oz (cooked weight) 80/20 ground beef, with 2.47 oz (raw weight) celery, 5.82 oz (raw weight) cabbage and 2.75 oz sour cream, 8 grams tallow (beef fat used to saute the celery and cabbage in).

Snack (5:40pm): Hot Cocoa made with 5 grams Hershey's Cocoa (baking) powder, 41 grams heavy cream, 9 drops EZ-Sweetz liquid splenda and water. (Make a paste with about half the cream and the cocoa powder and then add the remaining heavy cream, water, liquid splenda and a few grains of salt then heat in the microwave). I think I put a little too much liquid splenda in it. It wasn't necessary to use as much as I did.

Dinner (8:30pm): 3.10 oz raw wgt ground 80/20 beef, 2.19 oz celery, 5.79 oz cabbage and 1.8 oz sour cream

Daily Totals:

1222 calories, 96.9 g Fat, 41.1 grams (-12.3 grams Fiber) = 28.8 grams NET carbs, 52.1 grams Protein

70%F, 13%C, 17%P

Monday, March 11, 2013

241.0 *sigh*

I really thought I might get back under 240 today... Maybe tomorrow?

Lunch (3:00pm): Can of Polar Herring Fillets in tomato sauce (251 calories, 6.0 carb) and 2.75 oz raw turnip. Drink = Water

I get my Polar Herring Fillets in tomato sauce (6 oz tin) at my local Walmart. I think I paid around $2.00. They are quite good. I used to always eat straight kippered herring, but tried these one day when I was feeling adventurous and I like them better. They are incredibly satisfying. Amazon carries them if you can't find them in your local Walmart. They are great for taking on road trips or just keeping on hand in case you don't want to cook (like I didn't want to today). I feel like small fish (like canned herring or sardines) are a lot healthier for you because you eat the bones (more calcium) and they don't have the heavy metal problems that larger fish do (because they are lower on the food chain). Not to mention they are a great source of Omega-3s. I find though that people either love or hate things like sardines, herring, blue cheese, liverwurst, etc. They are all really strong flavors. I love stuff like that, but know a lot of people who don't.

If you've never tried raw turnip, do. It's wonderful. Almost the same sort of flavor/texture as a daikon rashish (which I also love). I have heard you can mash them like potatoes, although I have never tried them cooked. The ones I have there on my plate amount to 2.75 oz (peeled raw weight) and have only 18 calories (4.1 carbs). Something like that can really round out a low carb meal for me. It will provide the crunch/texture that things like bread or chips used to provide.

Snack (4:00pm): 28 grams cashew nuts & cup of (black) Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime Tea

Dinner (6:00pm): 1 1/3 cups homemade chicken broth, 5.29 oz homemade stew from the other day, 45 grams cheddar & 0.99 oz sour cream

Snacks (8:00pm): 50 grams walnuts and 100 grams Oscar Meyer Liverwurst

I was REALLY struggling before I ate the walnuts and liverwurst. I was having lots of mental images of eating off plan foods... so eventually made the conscious decision that I needed to eat more on plan foods so I wouldn't eat something high carb. I think I did pretty well. I did not really want to eat the liverwurst, but in the end, I did find it satiating. (We need to go to the store to get groceries, so my options felt like they were really limited).

Daily totals:

1571 calories, 120.1 g Fat, 55.8 g (-11.1 g Fiber) = 44.7 g NET carbs, 75.4 g Protein

67%F, 14%C, 19%P

Sunday, March 10, 2013


Lunch (3:45pm): 4.27 oz (cooked wgt) boneless skinless chicken breast shredded mixed in 2 cups of (defatted) homemade chicken broth with 4.41 oz (yesterday's homemade Veggal/lean only chuck/tomato sauce stew mix) with a pinch and a half of xanthan gum to slightly thicken it. Fitday puts this soup/stew concoction at 397 calories (30.1 g carb & 43.4 g Protein). I think that it is a really high estimate on the carbs and high on the calories by about 100... but I will go with it. I think the carbs are probably closer to 20 at most.

As I finally took some current pictures today, I will add them to the blog to record what I look like today at 240.8 (109.2kg).

Dinner (7:45pm): 19 grams butter cooked with 7.16 oz (raw wgt) cabbage, 118 g Oscar Meyer Lil' Smokies (Beef), and 1.94 oz sour cream

My after dinner tea is Celestial Seasonings Sleepy Time Tea:

This tea is really good because I can drink it without even wanting to add any artificial sweetener. I feel if I could get off of artificial sweeteners it would really help my efforts to keep my insulin low (and thus lose weight without experiencing hunger).

Daily totals:

1,051 calories, 68.6 g Fat, 46.6 g (-10.3 g Fiber) = 36.3 g NET carbs, 62.4 g Protein

59%F, 17%C, 24%P

Today I picked up The Art and Science of Low Carb Living (by Volek & Phinney):

from my local library (they had to get it for me via inter-library loan). I have read a lot of low-carbers recommending it on their blogs and was super excited that it finally came in for me. I will review it after I am finished with it in a day or two.

Today was an easier day (ease 3.5/10). Getting my carbs down to a lower number always seems to make the day go a little easier. I am eager to get back into the 230's. Those photos were kind of a shock to see. In my head, I am much thinner than that. I guess it is good to get the visual reminder on here, as disturbing as it is.

I am fortunate to have a very loving, supportive husband who doesn't make a big deal about my weight. Unfortunately, that allows me to forget sometimes how heavy I am. We do not have any full length mirrors in our home (we live in the smallest house in the world I think), and so I can go days without seeing my full length reflection.

I also wanted to note I haven't been drinking soda for the last week. I am trying to stick with more hot and cold ice tea and water. I think I feel better when I do that. I am going to occasionally have a soda as a treat, but will try to no longer drink it as a regular beverage.

Saturday, March 9, 2013


I ate about 3 cups of very salty homemade chicken broth thickened with xanthan gum around 3am (I stayed up late working). So I think my weight may have been up from that. It was delicious. The xanthan gum really gives it a thick viscosity (kinda like eggdrop soup), that is really satisfying.

Lunch: 1.5 cups homemade chicken broth (fat was skimmed off) with about 2 oz cooked white boneless skinless chicken, 1.66 oz frozen green peas, 5 grams xanthan gum and 2.15 oz sour cream

Dinner: Homemade stew made with 3 cans vegall, (lean only) chuck, and small (8oz?) can of tomato sauce. Of this I ate 16.65 oz (fitday came up with 315 calories and 36.6 grams carb, which seems pretty accurate, as one can of vegall has 35 carbs). Into this I mixed 2.86 oz sour cream and 1.38 oz homemade meatloaf (the remaining meatloaf from yesterday).

Fitday's estimated total (this probably isn't as accurate as some of my other days, but I think it is pretty close):

1,155 calories, 53.4 g Fat, 89.0 g (-12.1 g Fiber) = 76.9 g NET carbs, 77.5 g Protein

41%F, 31%C, 28%P

Wow, those ratios really put into perspective how far off today was from what I would like it to be. Calories were ok, but I definately needed my fat to be higher and my carbs to be lower... protein was OK, although I would prefer it be even a little lower than that. I have got to get my ratios right. I have struggled each day since going to the Chinese Buffet. Obviously I need to get my ratios more in line, so I can quit struggling.

Today marks 23 days that I have been tracking my food and blogging each day. I have averaged 1,121 calories per day.. which I consider to be excellent. Per fitday, when I started at 253.8 I was using 2740 calories per day and now at 243.0 I am using 2672 calories per day. At goal (140) I should in theory use 2,024 calories per day.

Friday, March 8, 2013


I was up this morning due to the tremendous amount of food I have been eating. I am hoping tomorrow will be back down to 241-ish, but will just continue on to do my best regardless of what the scale says.

Breakfast: coffee with 39 g heavy cream and 8 drops EZ-Sweetz liquid splenda.

Lunch: 109 g canned beanless Hormel Chili with 45 grams cheddar and 1.06 oz sour cream

Dinner: 3.39 oz (cooked wgt) homemade meatloaf (made without any starch filler, but included onion, ketchup and egg), 1.55 oz sour cream, 12 grams mayo and 22 grams green onion.

The meatloaf was fitday's calorie estimate for "meatloaf". I don't know how accurate it was, but today was sufficiently low in carbs that I think it was pretty accurate. (It calculated 196 calories and 6.2 grams carb for the 3.39 oz serving I ate).

Mainly, I am just grateful to be back on plan (lowish calories, lowish carbs). I didn't struggle at all with hunger today. I have to remember to have a high calorie / low carb day like I did yesterday if I choose to have another off-plan meal. I think I will continue to do so occasionally (ONLY as special meals at restaurants or family get-togethers - NEVER as a regular at home meal).

Daily total:

865 calories, 70.1 g Fat, 21.4 g (-2.3 g Fiber) = 19.1 g NET carbs, 37.8 g Protein

72%F, 10%C, 18%P

Ease of day 3/10.

I am eager to weigh in tomorrow morning and see where I am at.

Thursday, March 7, 2013


Okay, I struggled ALL day long. Of course this is from elevated insulin levels from the China Buffet yesterday. I ate: 8.18 oz (raw wgt) boneless skinless chicken breast, cooked in 20 g lard, 10 grams paprika, 2.06 oz raw onion, 16.33 oz raw green cabbage and 5 grams xanthan gum. Then served with 6.37 oz sour cream mixed in. I ate this for lunch a snack and dinner.

Snack of 56 grams cashew nuts

Snack of salad consisting of 4.16 raw bean sprouts, 3.21 oz iceberg lettuce, 3.74 oz radish and 46 grams blue cheese dressing (marie's)

Snack of 188 (1 can) black olives

Snack of 15 grams butter with 31 grams raw onion, 3 large eggs, 30 grams cheddar cheese and 23 grams mayo.

So basically I ate all day long and fought eating high carb all day. By the end of the day I had eaten way higher carb than I wanted because of the quantity of food. All choices weren't bad, if it had been a lower calorie day, it would have worked.

Totals for day:

2,440 calories, 190.0 g Fat, 98.4 g (-32.0 g Fiber) = 66.4 g NET carbs, 104.2 g Protein

68%F, 15%C, 17%P

So, overall, I consider the day a success. Eating all that doesn't lead to weightloss. Supposedly I burn 2,740 calories per day, so it wasn't technically a gain day.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


(It is 4:43pm now). We went to the Chinese buffet and just got home now. I tested my blood sugar twice (~1 hour PP) and tested 175 and 169. The scary thing is my husband just tested 178. That's very upsetting to me as he will not watch it I am sure. I had:

4 eggrolls (2 pork & 2 vegetable)

~2 cups stir-fried green beans

~2 cups stir-fried mushrooms

~1.5 cups imitation crab salad

~2.5 cups sweet and sour pork

10 grapes

2 pieces of melon

Fitday gave a total of:

1,827 calories, 92.2 g Fat, 172.1 g Carb (-21.2 g Fiber) = 150.9 NET carbs, 88.7 g Protein

I ate nothing else today.

45%C, 36%C, 19%P

About 3-4 hours PP I was at 137. Right now (midnight) I am at 116. Obviously the LCHF ketogenic plan keeps my bloodsugars in a MUCH better range.

The calories are all estimates. I of course have no idea how much anything actually weighed or how many calories were in it. I tried to eat a lot of the stir fried green beans and mushrooms as I love both and neither seem to have a lot of sugar. The fruit was incredibly sweet. It made the fruit some of the best fruit I have ever eaten, in fact.

I just took a shower (11ish pm) and weighed in at 243.8, so I am hoping that tomorrow doesn't show too much carb/sodium bloat.

We ended up going because the power company came out in several boom trucks and worked on something down the street and shut off our power for a couple hours. All in all, right now, I am not sad that we went. I just hope to not suffer too many cravings over the next couple of days. It was interesting to monitor my blood sugar after eating. I hope that as I continue to lose weight, I can eliminate my T2 symptoms and even the metformin.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


I'm up a little. I am trying to not let it bother me. I know that there are normal body fluctuations. In fact, I bet I don't get back under 240 for a maybe the next 5 days. I would be quite surprised if it lasted longer than that though. I've got to just keep plugging along.

Made a dish last night and ate it twice today. The recipe included:

12.06 oz raw skinless boneless chicken breast

5.22 oz mushrooms

0.78 oz cooked bacon

47 g green onions

4.95 oz sour cream

It was very good. I ate it for Lunch and Dinner.

Snacks included 20 g cashew nuts and then later 5 oz unsweetened vanilla almond milk.

I struggled at several points today. I think the higher protein levels may have been a trigger. I am going to aim to have a more moderate protein intake tomorrow.

Daily totals:

1,016 calories, 62.8 g Fat, 24.3 (-4.3 g Fiber) = 20.0 g NET carbs, 90.5 g Protein

54%F, 9%C, 37%P

I would say that difficulty of day was 4.5/10.

I am currently cooking a chicken cabbage paprikash kinda dish that I plan on eating tomorrow. It is going to be a stew consistency that I thicken with xanthum gum. I am trying to pro-actively prepare for the next day, to prevent poor decisions. I am dying to get back into the 230's!

Monday, March 4, 2013


I expected to be back up in a weight a little this morning, but I was somehow still a little disappointed. It felt good to be in the 230's and now I am back in the 240's. I guess I just have to have more patience. If experience has taught me anything, I might hover around this week for even a week before dropping back down, and then have a sudden and rather large loss.

Lunch (2:30pm): Light Flatout wrap with 56 g liverwurst, 1.5 oz lettuce and 6 g spring onion.

Snack (5pm): 28g cashew nuts

Dinner (7:45pm): 1.52 oz cooked bacon, 3.56 raw mushrooms, 1.59 oz cooked pork shoulder, 25 g green onions and 2.50 oz sour cream. (This was DELICIOUS and very filling).

Daily totals:

997 calories, 75.9 g Fat, 36.2 (-12.3 g Fiber) = 23.9 g NET carbs, 54.4 g Protein

65%f, 14%C, 21%P

Today was pretty good, food craving wise. I had a couple moments of struggle, but each day seems to be a little easier, with greater lengths of time in which I totally forget about food. (Which is unheard of when I am eating a regular # of carbs american diet).

Sunday, March 3, 2013


I was shocked at today's weigh-in. I cross country skied yesterday, so I expected to be up at least a pound or two because of muscle tears holding water. I fully expect to be back in the 242-243 range tomorrow (although it will be disappointing). I am sure it is just because I nearly fasted yesterday. I am so happy that I was able to stay on track to some extent. Although my carbs were to high, ultimately the calorie restriction still keeps insulin levels much lower than they would otherwise be, and based on my ketosis breath, I am fairly confident I didn't knock myself out.

Breakfast (12:30pm): 5.22 oz (cooked weight) pork shoulder (broiled in chunks to try to render off a lot of the fat)

Snack: 28 g cashew nuts

Dinner (5:15) Light Flatout wrap with 2.22 oz (cooked weight) pork shoulder, 16 g mayo and .15 onion

Daily Totals:

997 calories, 73.4 g Fat, 28.8 (-10.4 g Fiber) = 18.4 g NET carbs, 63.2 g Protein


Friday, March 1, 2013


I went out of town on Friday afternoon. I did really well in keeping the food total down, although I ate more carbs than I normally allow. I did very well considering the circumstances.

Lunch (around 2pm): Light flatout wrap with 20 g mayo, 2.61 oz deli turkey, lettuce and 2.93 oz tomatoes

Dinner (around 6pm): ESTIMATES ONLY: 1/2 cup brown rice, 1/2 cup black beans cooked, ~12 blue corn tortilla chips, ~ 1/4 cup raw salsa, 1 cup mixed greans salad dressed with lime

After dinner drinks: ~2 shots tequila with 1/4 lime, 1/10 orange

Approximate daily totals:

934 calories, 37.5 g Fat, 97.7 g (-21.1 g Fiber) = 76.6 g NET carbs, 32.8 g Protein, 18.6 g alcohol

34%F, 40%C, 12%P, 13%A

The next day (Saturday, March 2, 2013) I was unable to weight. I ate about 3/4 cup (cooked) steel cut oats and 1/4 cup unsweetened frozen blueberries.

Later I ate about 6 cashew nut halves

Approximate daily totals:

183 calories, 6.5 g Fat, 26.6 g (-4.1 g Fiber) = 22.5 NET carbs, 6.3 g Protein

30%F, 58%C, 12%P

Obviously this wasn't very much food for the day, but I didn't know how to get out of eating more carbs without saying I was going to eat at my parents and then later at my parents declining food, saying I had already ate.