261.0 down to 178.0

261.0 down to 178.0

Thursday, March 14, 2013


Breakfast: 28 grams cashews

Lunch: 1 tin Polar Herring in Tomato Sauce

Snack: cup of coffee with 39 grams heavy cream and 8 drops EZ-Sweetz liquid splenda

Dinner: 1.80 oz (cooked weight) beef (all fat removed) cooked with 29 grams butter, 10.44 oz (raw weight) green cabbage and 0.95 oz sour cream (mixed in after cooking), salt and pepper

I read all of the blog eatlowcarbhighfat.com last night. It is the blog of a Swedish man who has lost over 200 lbs (over HALF of his start weight) on a low carb high fat diet. If you are interested in trying LCHF, his blog is very informative. It really made me think I should be trying to go a little lower on carb / protein and higher on fat. I will still try to minimize my total nutrition (calorie) intake at the same time. My goal is of course to lose my excess weight in a quick, healthy fashion, while not struggling unduly with hunger. (I think that excessive hunger would be an indication that my body is not able to readily access my excessive fat stores). I think if I am eating correctly (for MY body's metabolic / physiologic issues), my body should be able to start using this excess fat. The less struggle it is, the greater indication there is that I am eating in a manner that benefits my excess insulin response to carbs. I tried to eat higher fat today (I added 29 grams of butter to my beef & cabbage mix while cooking it tonight when I wouldn't have done that during the last month).

My daily totals:

996 calories, 79.1 grams Fat, 33.9 (-8.3 grams Fiber) = 25.6 g NET carbs, 44.4 grams Protein

70%F, 13%C, 17%P

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