261.0 down to 178.0

261.0 down to 178.0

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


(It is 4:43pm now). We went to the Chinese buffet and just got home now. I tested my blood sugar twice (~1 hour PP) and tested 175 and 169. The scary thing is my husband just tested 178. That's very upsetting to me as he will not watch it I am sure. I had:

4 eggrolls (2 pork & 2 vegetable)

~2 cups stir-fried green beans

~2 cups stir-fried mushrooms

~1.5 cups imitation crab salad

~2.5 cups sweet and sour pork

10 grapes

2 pieces of melon

Fitday gave a total of:

1,827 calories, 92.2 g Fat, 172.1 g Carb (-21.2 g Fiber) = 150.9 NET carbs, 88.7 g Protein

I ate nothing else today.

45%C, 36%C, 19%P

About 3-4 hours PP I was at 137. Right now (midnight) I am at 116. Obviously the LCHF ketogenic plan keeps my bloodsugars in a MUCH better range.

The calories are all estimates. I of course have no idea how much anything actually weighed or how many calories were in it. I tried to eat a lot of the stir fried green beans and mushrooms as I love both and neither seem to have a lot of sugar. The fruit was incredibly sweet. It made the fruit some of the best fruit I have ever eaten, in fact.

I just took a shower (11ish pm) and weighed in at 243.8, so I am hoping that tomorrow doesn't show too much carb/sodium bloat.

We ended up going because the power company came out in several boom trucks and worked on something down the street and shut off our power for a couple hours. All in all, right now, I am not sad that we went. I just hope to not suffer too many cravings over the next couple of days. It was interesting to monitor my blood sugar after eating. I hope that as I continue to lose weight, I can eliminate my T2 symptoms and even the metformin.

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