261.0 down to 178.0

Thursday, December 26, 2013
186.6 lbs (7:30am)
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Later that day (7:45pm)
176.6 lbs. (8:45am) 33.4% body fat, 27.9 BMI Per Omron
Yesterday's foods (this same sort of thing (plus amounts) were eaten over the last four days actually):
11am - coffee with 125 grams half and half, powder sucralose (from Amazon), & almond extract (8 drops)
4pm - 1/4 lb pre-made frozen hamburger patty (27/73) cooked with 3.95 oz raw onions, 11.90 oz chopped green cabbage, salt, pepper and garlic powder (note that the frozen hamburger patty was chopped up as it cooked and the onions and cabbage were sauteed in the beef fat that the hamburger patty released - no fat was removed from the pan)
6pm - 60 grams cheddar cheese (slightly warmed in the microwave)
9pm - 4.07 oz raw baby carrots and 6.98 oz raw turnip (1 medium peeled)
Thoughout the day I also drank an entire 2 liter of diet mountain dew (I am having trouble stopping this bad habit) and 1 16oz Hot herbal licorice tea (Stash brand). That hot tea is amazing. You don't have to add any sweeteners or anything and it is perect.
So yesterday ended up at 960 caloies, 60.7 grams fat, 60.2 - 16.2 fiber = 44.0 grams NET carbs (this was a little higher than normal from the 9pm 4 oz of raw carrots), 48.7 grams protein
Yesterday really represents exactly the eating pattern I've been using the lose these last 62 pounds. Low calorie, strictly controlled protein amounts (that are evenly spread throughout the day) and low carb. I feel amazing eating this way. I DO miss my old treats, but it is worth it to feel (and look!) so much better.
Thursday, December 19, 2013
179.0 lbs.
Sunday, December 15, 2013
181.8 (9:30am)
So, I am firmly in ketosis again and am hoping to be able to get down to 165 by the first of February. I got down to 163 for a couple weeks back in 2001 and then rapidly gained back 30-40 pounds that fall/winter. When I met my husband (age 22) I was right at 165-167. I haven't been less than 163 since I was 21 (17 years!!!). If I can manage to get down to 163-165 I might hang out there for a little while and let my body try to stabilize for a little bit. I really don't want to lose any more hair (hair thinning from weight loss) if at all possible. I also want my skin to rebound as well as possible. I am really lucky in that I have never really had cellulite (even at 260 lbs my skin was quite smooth), but I am getting a little wrinkling in my thigh area down to my upper knees. I am hoping to end up with nice looking upper thighs (as I like to wear shorts in the summer- even at my highest weight), so I know that slow and steady will be helpful with my skin rebound.
Friday, December 6, 2013
184.8 (9:30am), 111 mg/dL BG 10:30 am (forgot Metformin dosage last night)
Yesterday I went to the diet doctor and got a refill on my prescription. I hadn't been in for a refill since the start of September. I was somewhat surprised that they let me get a refill, since I had missed 2 monthly appointments. Luckily I had lost 19 pounds and I think that they like to take credit for my weight loss. I would say that the diet pills help 10%. Which is worth it to me financially, because I am so desperate to get back down to a normal healthy weight. But the true trick is logging/weighing all your food, sticking to the correct macros (fat/protein/carbs) and sticking under 40 net carbs per day, while making sure that your calories are restricted somewhat. The higher the calorie restriction the faster the weight loss, but I actually think the first 3 things are more important than the rate of weight loss. Slower weight loss is better for skin recovery and well as making sure you are getting enough nutrients. Faster weight loss is great for motivation and helping you believe you can actually lose the weight. I think if I hadn't have lost weight as quickly as I did in July and August, I might have become discouraged and went back to eating too many carbs. Having that large weight loss was very motivational though and has kept me better on track this last month or two, when I have struggled mentally with hunger. The pounds are harder to remove now and I am experiencing a lot more hunger. I don't know if that is caused by too often going to high on my carbs (leading the the "zone of misery") or if it is strictly resulting from having so much less adipose tissue to feed my energy needs.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
191.4 (11am) Ate 5,204 calories yesterday
I have been here before though, many times. What matters now is how I handle today.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
186.2 (9:30am) 102 BG
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
186.4 (9: 30 am) after eating pecan pie, 3 orange candy slices and 1 can of chickpeas the prior evening.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
185.0 (noon)
Saturday, November 16, 2013
188.2 (9:30am)
Today is Saturday, so I have no plan for working. It rained a lot last night and it quite yucky out still, so I plan on laying in bed with my dogs and my laptop for some time.
Friday, November 15, 2013
Later that day...
So right now, I feel really satisfied and hopeful that I can get back on track 100% and get down to 165. I feel AT LEAST 10 years younger at 190 lbs than I did at 245+ lbs. I just can't wait to get even a little bit more weight off. I am really happy where I am right now weight wise, but also know that it will only get even better.
I also wanted to mention that I ate "junk" (hamburger helper hamburger rice, canned refried beans, 6 chips ahoy chocolate chip cookies) last night and I just felt gross in my stomach. I find that when I stick to on plan foods (no grains, potatoes, etc), that I just feel so much better digestion wise. I can be quite full, yet still feel good (not bloated and gross). I also want to note that when I eat on plan, I almost never ever have any gas. (Sorry TMI). But I think it is worth noting, because I think gas is a symptom of an unhappy digestive track. Eating appropriately thus leads to not having gas.
Calories: 1890 kcal
Fat: 123.1 grams
Carbs: 122.3 grams - 28.1 grams fiber = 94.2 NET carbs
Protein: 93.8 grams
This was a lot of "good" planned days mixed in with a lot of crap throwing it to the wind days in which I overate a lot and may have even eaten some cookies or semi-sweet chocolate chips or a lot of carrots with blue cheese dressing. I really tried when I was having a "binge" eating sort of day to stick to low carb items, but even when you do that, your carbs can get quite high even eating stuff like carrots.
Overall, I consider this last month a success. I am quite happy to have stabilized at this weight fairly well and think my body probably needed this break. I am waffling between going quite low carb low calorie to get down to the 165-ish area (which I could do by the end of January if I really applied myself) or just trying to do this really slowly. The thing is, is it is quite horrible when you are in that "zone of torture" where you are not quite low enough calorically/carbs wise to consistently stay in ketosis. The ketosis means you inprove in accessing your body fat stores and I DO think my mitochondria are multiplying and improving their ability to access fat for fuel instead of glucose, when I stay low carb / low calorie. They HAVE to improve at it when I stay low carb / low calorie like that.
So, all of that to say that I have really been struggling to stick 100% on plan recently. I think that for the next seven days I will take 3 diet pills per day (11am, 3pm and 6pm) until I can get my body firmly back in ketosis. I hate to do that as that is $31.50 worth of diet pills, AND I have stopped going to the clinic, so what I have is what I will have to lose all the rest of this weight with. I think I have only taken about a total of 10-12 pills TOTAL so far though since I first got them back in July (??), but I really don't like using them unless I feel like it's necessary. Unfortunately, I guess I have gotten to the point where I feel like I keep struggling and hindering my own progress. I DO think it's good I've had a mini-break, but I am still right on the BMI over-weight / obese (30.0) cusp and I really need to get down further. I purchased some (used) down-hill skis this last week and plan to go skiing this winter. I would really like to get some more weight off before I go, as it makes it a lot safer and easier.
So, I am shooting for 720 (ideal) - 800 (maximum) through the end of January. That should result in at least a 25 pound weight loss. Way back in 2001 I lost from 190 down to 163 and I remember it made a HUGE difference in how I felt. So I think that even though 25 pounds doesn't sound like much, it will be worth it to really apply myself for another 2 1/2 months and then maybe try to stabilize at sub 165 for a while before I make a last run to take off the remaining 25 pounds.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
188.6 (9:30am) 95 FBG (9:30am) 35.0% Body fat Per Omron 29.8 BMI
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
189.2 lbs (8:30am)
I think I've been back in ketosis for about 3 days now, but have been eating around 2000 calories each day.
For the last two weeks I have averaged 1897 calories, 123.1 grams fat, 116.1-29.5 (fiber) = 86.6 NET carbs, 102.1 grams protein. These amounts basically kept my weight stable. As I am still shooting for around 50 more pounds of weight loss, I obviously need to lower my calories and carbs back to what I was doing previously. I DO think it was a good healthy break though, which probably increased my leptin levels and let me have a little mental break. It probably helped my skin catch up a little as well. I still have skin concerns with my upper thighs, stomach and breasts, but it will do what it does. I can only continue on.
Right now I am really happy to have found a method of eating that I think will work long term. I am just trying today to focus on the short term goal of keeping my carbs and calories low and striving to get under 185. I am OK with slower weight loss. I may even strive to keep it slow to aid with skin recovery.
Friday, October 18, 2013
Thursday, October 17, 2013
191.0 (9:30am)
That's a picture of the raw pumpkin seed, flax, wheat bran, protein powder, desiccated coconut, blackberry "faux" oatmeal I've been making for breakfast. YUM!
Monday, October 14, 2013
193.8 (9am)
This morning I made some great faux oatmeal with 10 grams golden flax meal, 10 grams raw pumpkin seeds, 13 grams low carb protein powder, 10 grams wheat bran, 10 grams unsweetened coconut and 29 grams frozen blackberries. Oh yeah, and a pinch of cinnamon and a tiny bit of liquid splenda. It was really good. I will have it again in the future.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
194.4 (9am)
I had about 3/8 of a Gala apple last night (3.70 oz to be exact). It was so delicious. Apples are one of the biggest things I miss since eating low carb. That small amount of apple contained almost 15 grams of carbs, so there just isn't a way to normally eat them without knocking myself out of ketosis. I think they can be a partial apple sometimes food though maybe.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
198.2 (8am)
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
197.0 9am, 97 mg/dL 10am, 1st day of period
It is just surreal to be at 197.0. It kinda even makes me angry, because I have tried to lose weight for YEARS now. It's not as if I was just gladly getting fatter each year. I really did try to diet, but I just could never find anything that I could stick with long term (because everything left me so HUNGRY and I would just regain everything when I ultimately gave in to my hunger). My size 16 Levi's are starting to actually fit and I can comfortably wear them all day. The are still a little tighter on the stomach than I would like, but the thighs and butt area are getting to be just right. OK - maybe they are still a little tight, but they are definately wearable. =) It's just really really weird to have a normalish body again. I had gotten so used to just being really really fat. I mean, I know I am still fat, but I am normal American fat again now. I feel so much better in my own body.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
199.0 (9am)
My new goal is 185 by Halloween (41 days from now). That is exactly 14 pounds from 199.0, so would represent a 1195 calorie deficit each day. I would have to average right at 800 calories per day to achieve 185 by then. I think it is doable, but I might not quite make it. I am comfortable with my weight loss slowing down quite a bit. It gives my skin more time to recover and isn't quite so hard on my hair.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
201.0 (8:30am)
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
202.2 (8:30am) 96 FBG (9:30am)
I was really happy to see 202.2 this morning (at 8:30 even!). Only 2.4 lbs left to go until I am under 200 lbs. That seems kinda unbelievable. I have worked at this really hard though for the last 82 days, so I guess it should work, when you do everything right. I have just tried for so many years to lose weight, that it still seems odd that it is actually happening.
Sunday, September 8, 2013
203.8 (11:30am)
I am down 35.4 since June 20th. It's been 11 weeks 3 days since I started my diet. I have averaged 3.09 lbs per week, but of course it was much faster in the beginning and has slowed down considerably as my daily caloric needs have reduced (with the decreased weight). I have been having a harder time staying at the really low 720ish calories that I strive for each day. Yesterday I ended up at 899 calories and the day before that at 1525 calories. I HAVE managed to stay low carb though this whole entire time and I am very proud of that. I really don't mind if my calories go higher, as that just slows down the weight loss. However, if I were to go high carb in my food choices, I might slip off of my diet entirely (past experience has shown me this time and again).
My arms have slimmed down considerably. I can't get over it, when I look at them in the mirror. I am worried about extra skin on my arms, upper thighs and stomach. Hopefully my oily skin will benefit me for once and help my skin recover. My wedding ring is very very very loose. I can fit it on my middle finger now. It is crazy tight on my middle finger, but I can get it all the way on. Weird.
Friday, September 6, 2013
206.4 (7:45am)
We went to the thrift stores last night and I got two pairs of jeans. A pair of Levi 555's size 15 (!!!!) and a pair of GAP size 14Regular. The both went on and buttoned, but were tight. I should be able to fit them comfortably by the end of this month, I think. I just cant believe that I can put on those pants and even button them. I tried on a bunch of shirts as well. Large and X-large. I was going to get them, but then remembered how many shirts I have in storage. I will have to have my husband help me get them soon. It was just really surreal to try things on and be so much smaller. I pretty much look like a normal size American to myself in the mirror now. The last set of pictures my husband took of me (at 209.8), didn't reflect near the weight loss I've been seeing in the mirror each day now, so I will be curious to see how my 199.8 pictures will look when I get there.
I think I will go to the doctor and get some more phendimetrazine on Monday. I will call today and try to get an appointment. I haven't taken but like 5 or so of the pills, but I want to have plenty on hand for the coming 6 months or whatever, and I think he is supposed to cut me off soon. Maybe he won't though if I continue to show good losses? Not sure how that is supposed to work. They never have said.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
204.0 (10:45am) 92 FBG (8am)
Monday, September 2, 2013
Sunday, September 1, 2013
205.2 (11am)
Friday, August 30, 2013
206.4 (9:45am)
I have been able to start wearing some size 16s again... which has been super, super exciting. I almost for a while there, didn't even feel like it would be possible to get back into 16s. Now I feel like I should be able to at least get back into 12s, if not into 10s. I am not to worried anymre about getting there as quickly as possible... I think if I get there slowly, I should end up with better skin recovery. (At least I hope so!)
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
206.8 (11am)
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Monday, August 19, 2013
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Friday, August 16, 2013
Thursday, August 15, 2013
213.4 (7am) 76 FBG @ 9am after doing a bunch of manual work
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Monday, August 12, 2013
214.6 (11am) 94 FBG
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Friday, August 9, 2013
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Monday, August 5, 2013
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Friday, August 2, 2013
218.4 (11am) FBG 101 mg/dL
Thursday, August 1, 2013
218.2 (9:30am)
Today marks Period Day 1, so maybe it was just high progesterone levels that were keeping me higher.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
219.0 (9:30am)
I have never seen my fasting blood sugar that low since I started testing it. That means my low carb diet is starting to do good things to not only my weight my my morning gluconeogenesis. =)
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
220.2 (9:00am) UGGGGGHHHHH!
Fasting blood sugar this morning was 102 mg/dL. That is the lowest I've seen (fasting) in a really long time, so I will take it that I am doing something right. I just have to persevere.
I month ago today I was at 228.4. I guess that's were my frustration is coming from. That's only 8.2 pounds down in one month, despite being very very good. I do understand that I release a lot of insulin for any carbohydrate (and for protein or food volume as well). That just makes it that much harder. I am also kinda frustrated that my stomach fat hasn't gone down more than it has. I can see the weight loss a lot in my face, neck, legs, arms and boobs... but my stomach, although it has reduced a lot, still has a long way to go.
Monday, July 29, 2013
219.8 (9:30am)
Fat grams: 152.8
Carbs: 99.9-29.6 fiber = 70.3 NET carbs
Protein: 136.1 grams
This was the highest that I have eaten in over 5 weeks. Everything was low carb, but the carbs still ended up being high because of the large amount of food. I felt the fullest I have felt in a very long time. I didn't feel guilty about it either. I needed a small break I think. I have really struggled over the last week to week and a half. Not losing much weight... I'd been keeping my calories right around 720 each day and not seeing any results.
It made me feel good that after eating so much yesterday, this morning my "high" (full) weight was 219.8. I've made a lot of progress. =)
I am ready to get back down to 700ish a day (low carb) and try to get under 215 now. (I am really focused on getting under 200, but am trying to only focus on the 5 lb increments).
Lunch (12:30pm): 11.5 oz green cabbage sauteed with 6 (beef) lil' smokies (50 grams worth): 191 calories, 15.3 grams fat, 6.3 grams carb, 8.1 grams protein
1 1/2 hours PP blood sugar: 120 mg/dL - higher than I expected to see. I'm still seeing fasting numbers in the 107-110 mg/dL area. I had hoped that I would be seeing lower numbers by now. I am still on the 1000 mg SR metformin each day (taken in the evening).
Sunday, July 28, 2013
219.2 (9am)
Saturday, July 27, 2013
220.2 (9:30am)
Friday, July 26, 2013
219.8 (10am)
Thursday, July 25, 2013
219.8 AGAIN! (9ish am)
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Monday, July 22, 2013
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Saturday, July 20, 2013
221.0 (8am)
Fitday is showing me the June 23rd - July 20th (the last 4 weeks) as the following averages:
666 calories
43.5 grams fat per day
27.3 (gross carbs) - 7.9 grams fiber = 19.4 grams NET carbs per day
44.1 grams Protein per day
57%fat / 16% carbohydrate / 27% protein
Supposedly (per fitday) I am burning 2531 calories per day now (sedentary, 38, F, 221.0 lbs). That seems to be fairly accurate with the losses I've shown during the last month. I have felt pretty good this whole month. I definately felt better once I was strongly in ketosis. (After the first 2 weeks I started feeling a lot better). This is basically a HCG level diet with the additional fat I make sure to have in 1 meal (to ensure gall bladder daily flushing, eat at least 10 grams fat in 1 meal). Beyond that one meal, I try to keep my food for the day low fat. Net carbs I try to keep at 20-30 max). Protein just kinda ends up where it ends up. My thoughts are that I should try to get at least 40 grams per day and then if I desire more (if meat sounds appealing, then I should strive to get even more). I'm trying to listen to my body in regards to protein intake. There are such differing opinions about what protein requirements are. I am going with minimum requirements and then trying to listen to my body. I think if I can get my hormones in line (through low carb eating), my body should hopefully signal me correctly in regards to protein intake requirements.
Fasting blood sugar this morning (after being up about 2 1/2 hours) 118. I was pretty dissappointed to see that high of a number considering how great I've been with my eating, my minimal newly started exercise and my continued use of 1000 SR Metformin each day. All I can do is keep on doing what I've been doing.
I also wanted to note that I have only ever taken that 1 phendimetrazine since going to the diet doctor last month. Staying in ketosis has controlled my appetite to the extent that even though I have had a few evening where I mentally struggle, I have not had to take any more pills to keep on the diet. They DO continue to reassure me that I have then and they even seem to motivate me to stay on my low carb diet, because I know if I slip up, I'm going to be fighting my hunger again. I haven't decided if I will get a refill or not when August 8th rolls around. My guess is that I should. I know that as I get lower on the scale, I am going to increasingly struggle with hunger (as my leptin levels decrease and my fat cells become increasingly hypotrophic). It would be good to have a decent quantity in reserve for when that time comes. At $89.00 for 60 pills, they are right at $1.50 per pill. They are expensive (for me, as we are on a tight income), but loosing this weight is sooo important. I don't want to have to go through the hassle of starting at the clinic again either and taking the blood tests etc.
Friday, July 19, 2013
222.2 (8am)
Thursday, July 18, 2013
221.2 (9am)
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Monday, July 15, 2013
Sunday, July 14, 2013
222.8 (9am)
Friday, July 12, 2013
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
224.4 (10am)
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
224.6 (10:15am)
Monday, July 8, 2013
226.2 (10am)
I am going in to the diet doctor at noon. I am curious to see what their body fat analyzer says.
Ok. It is later. Last time it measured me at 44.1% body fat and this time at 42.1% body fat.
Sunday, July 7, 2013
226.6 (11:30am)
My face / double chin / fat neck situation is really improving, so that's nice. I put on my one piece bathing suit yesterday so I could get a look at the situation. I feel like the back fat is a lot better than the last time I wore it. I am somewhat concerned that my stomach will never be what I would like it to be again. I don't have a ton of stretch marks on it though, so maybe it will bounce back better than I'm thinking.
FBG 107 (45 minutes after getting up, or 12:15 noon to be more accurate (I went to bed at 5am)).
Saturday, July 6, 2013
225.8 (11:00am)
Friday, July 5, 2013
226.2 (11:15am)
Fullest part of chest: 47 1/4"
Smallest part of waist: 41"
Waist measurement over belly button: 47 1/2"
Fullest part of butt: 47 1/8"
Fullest part of right thigh: 26 1/4"
Fullest part of right bicept: 14 3/4"
Neck: 15 15/16" (I have a big neck and it is actually one of the body parts I most look forward to shrinking in size)
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
227.4 (10:30am)
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
228.2 (9am)
Monday, July 1, 2013
Sunday, June 30, 2013
228.4 (9:00am)
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Friday, June 28, 2013
229.2 (10:15am)
Thursday, June 27, 2013
230.0 (10:15am)
I really struggled last night. I didn't want to have to take a pill, so I didn't, but I struggled ALL night long. So proud of myself for not giving in. =)
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
231.0 (10am)
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
232.8 (11:30am)
Monday, June 24, 2013
Sunday, June 23, 2013
233.2 (noon)
Saturday, June 22, 2013
236.2 (10am)
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
235.8 (10am) FINALLY under 236 again...
I've been starting each day with either coffee or avocado around noon, then a salad with low carb veggies, lean meat with what comes to about 20 grams of protein (nutritionally, not by weight), and then a salad dressing I make with Smart Beat mayonaisse, vinegar, liquid splenda, garlic powder, pepper (and then sometimes either basil, or mustard or even dill added to change it up). Then for dinner I've been having around another piece of lean meat that has around 20 grams protein (nutritionally, not by weight) with some veggies to again fill out the meal and make it interesting.
Of note: I am eating leaner meat for meal #2 & #3 and my physical intake (meaning the amount of space the food occupies in my stomach) seems to be less than in the past. I am working really hard to make sure that I don't eat my meal #2 until after 3pm and meal #3 until after 6pm. Evening is the hard time of day for me, so it is really important not to eat too early in the evening and then struggle all night as a consequence.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Monday, June 10, 2013
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Friday, June 7, 2013
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Friday, May 31, 2013
240.8 (9am)
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
241.6 (9am)
Lunch: Can of green beans mixed with a cut up cucumber, 1.62 oz sour cream, dill, garlic powder and pepper
Snack (5:15pm): 4 oz baked ham (lean only eaten).
Monday, May 27, 2013
243.2 (9:45am)
Daily totals:
1262 calories, 87.6 grams fat, 29.8 grams - 8.6 = 21.2 grams NET carbs, 88.0 grams protein
62%f, 9%c, 29%p
I started a Z-pack for my sore throat that I have had for over a month. I hope it kicks it.
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Saturday, May 25, 2013
245.0 (9:30am)
Thursday, May 23, 2013
245.4 (10:45am)
Breakfast (11:15am) - Coffee with 40 grams heavy cream, 8 drops of EZ-Sweetz and a capful of almond extract.
Monday, May 20, 2013
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
243.4 (11am)
Lunch (4pm): Light Flatout Wrap with 30 grams mayo, 68 grams sour cream, 35 grams green onions, 42 grams cheddar, garlic powder and pepper.
Dinner (7pm): 4.48 oz (raw weight) 73/27 ground beef cooked (not drained), then mixed with 67 grams cream cheese, 90 grams sour cream, 24 grams green onions, garlic powder and pepper. Eaten with 31 grams pork rinds.
I forgot to take a picture of my dinner.
Daily totals:
1637 calories, 142.3 grams fat, 32.2-10.5 grams fiber = 21.7 grams NET carbs, 66.5 grams protein
76%f, 7%c, 17%p
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
242.4 (9am)
Lunch: 1.45 oz (raw weight) bacon, 16 oz bag mixed low carbish oriental veggies, one natural casing hot dog
Dinner (6:30pm): 6.00 oz iceberg lettuce, 0.63 oz green onions, 2 hard boiled eggs, 1 large carrot (forgot to weigh), 75 grams cheddar cheese, 73 grams blue cheese dressing
Evening: I lost control and ate a bunch of Milk Duds, Jelly Bellies, spaghetti with meat sauce, 2 hamburger buns with margarine. YUCK. I don't really know what prompted all that.
Monday, May 13, 2013
241.4 (9:30am)
Lunch (1pm): 12 oz (raw weight - weighed on scale) New York Strip Steak. (grilled on charcoal grill). Served with salad (bagged iceberg, carrot blend) mixed with fresh tomatoes (not a lot). Salad was dressed with a homemade dressing I made with "salad dressing" (ie Miracle Whip type dressing), about a tbsp (or less) of olive oil, white vinegar (splash), garlic powder and a few grinds of black pepper. Then for dessert I had 6 fresh strawberries sliced up. (Everyone else had chocolate cake).
Dinner (7pm): Hot dog in natural casing (the good expensive ones), served on a Light Flatout Wrap with mayo (around 45 grams probably, but again, not measured) and about 5-6 dill pickle slices.
Yesterday's Daily total estimation:
1790 calories, 145 grams fat, 34 grams carb - 12 grams fiber = about 22 NET carbs, 92 grams protein
71%f, 7%c, 22%p
It was a really high protein day for me. I was SOOOOO proud of myself for sticking to LCHF despite eating Chinese buffet the night before and going out of town. I really came very close last night while lying in bed to having candy. I had the package in my hand and everything. But I reminded myself that I probably would end my diet right then and there if I had any, so I gave them to my husband.
Lunch (2pm): Light Flatout Wrap with 25 grams mayo, natural casing hotdog, 6 dill pickle slices, 27 grams chopped tomato, 0.42 oz sliced green onion
Snack: 20 grams butter cooked with 11.57 oz cabbage
Dinner: Salad made with 6.1 oz iceberg lettuce, 2 large green onions, 2 boiled eggs, 1.31 oz cooked weight bacon, 30 grams cheddar cheese, 44 grams blue cheese dressing
Snack: light flatout wrap, natural casing hotdog, 25 grams mayo, 0.43 oz green onions, 6 dill pickle slices
Daily total:
2,046 calories, 166.6 grams fat, 79.5 grams - 31.2 grams fiber = 48.3 grams NET carbs, 79.8 grams protein
70%f, 14%c, 15%p
Saturday, May 11, 2013
239.0 (9:30am)
Lunch (1pm): salad with dressing. Dressing made with 48 grams mayo, 1.98 oz sour cream, 6 drops EZ-Sweetz, rice vinegar, garlic powder and pepper. Salad was made of 9.59 oz lettuce, 2.68 oz tomato, 1.48 oz frozen peas, 1.27 oz green onions, 2.79 grated carrot, 1.69 oz cooked bacon pieces and 1 large boiled egg.
Snack: (4pm): 67 grams of peanut butter
Dinner (8:30pm): We went to our favorite Chinese Buffet. I ate a lot. Fried spring rolls, sweet and sour meats, green beans, mushrooms, Chinese noodles, fried won-tons. I would estimate I ate around 2000 calories there. It was a lot but not enough to make me feel gross afterwards. (I didn't have heartburn that night or feel really stuffed). But - I was definitely FULL.
Later, I had a King size Reeses, some Jelly Belly Beans and some Milk Duds. I made sure to quit eating junk by midnight and said "no more". I would like to occasionally be able to eat off plan like this and be able to get right back on plan and have it be not a big deal. I am working towards that goal. I don't know if it's possible for me to abstain 100% without ultimately falling off plan for months and months.
Friday, May 10, 2013
Breakfast (2:30pm): 84 grams melted jalapeno cheese with a 32 oz diet coke
Dinner (8:45pm): 16 oz Bag of frozen oriental mixed vegetables (broccoli, snow peas, water chestnuts, green beans, red peppers, carrots & onions) cooked with 4.62 oz (raw weight) bacon (fat was NOT drained from pan before adding the vegetables). This was surprisingly good and had good final nutrition ratios. I will definitely eat this again sometime.
Daily totals:
1051 calories, 84.5 grams fat, 34.3 grams - 11.4 grams fiber = 22.9 grams NET carbs, 45.2 grams protein
72%f, 12%c, 16%p
Lastly, I just wanted to make note that my stomach bothered me for most of the day after eating the cheese this afternoon. I don't normally consider myself dairy sensitive at all, but as I hadn't eaten anything else (besides the diet soda), I want to note it and keep an eye out after eating cheese in the future. (See if this is a reoccurring theme).
Thursday, May 9, 2013
240.0 (11:45am)
Lunch (2:15pm): 9.91 oz California Avocado (this was 3 medium size ones), 0.88 oz white onion, lemon juice, salt, 3.99 oz iceberg lettuce
Dinner (5ish): 2 hot dogs in natural casings with a sauce made with 27 grams mayo, 1.27 oz sour cream, horseradish (refrigerated grated 100% horseradish), salt and pepper
Daily Totals:
1302 calories, 120.1 grams fat, 38.8 grams - 20.6 grams fiber = 18.2 grams NET carbs, 27.0 grams protein
81%f, 11%c, 8%p
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
240.8 (11:30am)
Breakfast (4pm): Coffee with 50 grams heavy cream and 9 drops EZ-Sweetz
Dinner (8pm): 4.45 oz (raw weight) bacon cooked with 16.33 oz green cabbage
Daily totals:
866 calories, 75.8 grams fat, 29.1 grams - 11.6 grams fiber = 17.5 grams NET carbs, 21.6 grams protein
79%f, 12%c, 9%p
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
242.2 (10am)
Lunch (2pm): 7.41 oz California avocado, 0.99 oz chopped white onion, 2.26 oz chopped Roma tomato, 1 capfull lemon juice (from bottle) and salt.
Dinner: 5.89 oz (raw weight) ground beef, 10.51 oz cabbage, 1.90 oz sour cream, salt and pepper
Snack (8:30pm): 3.88 oz iceberg lettuce, 59 grams cheddar cheese, 34 grams blue cheese dressing
Daily totals:
1685 calories, 147.4 grams fat, 52.4 grams - 24.0 grams fiber = 28.4 grams NET carbs, 50.3 grams protein
77%f, 11%c, 12%p
Monday, May 6, 2013
243.2 (9:45am)
Lunch (1:30pm): 4.66 (cooked weight) ground pork, 6.28 oz zucchini julienned, 4.06 oz mushrooms, 1.73 oz sour cream, Worcestershire sauce, pepper, onion powder, paprika and salt
Snack (6:45pm): 5.08 oz California Avocado
Daily totals:
970 calories, 79.3 grams fat, 25.2 grams - 12.9 = 12.3 grams NET carbs, 47.4 grams protein
71%f, 9%c, 19%p
Sunday, May 5, 2013
244.6 (10am)
Snack: 109 g cheese
Snack: 49 g cashews
Dinner (5:45pm): Light Flatout Wrap with 26 g mayo and 46 g cheese
Daily totals:
1272 calories, 104.6 grams fat, 47.7 grams - 16.9 = 30.8 grams NET carbs, 51.8 grams protein
69%f, 14%c, 16%p
Saturday, May 4, 2013
245.0 (11am)
Snack (11pm): 42 grams jalapeno cheese
Daily totals:
1447 calories, 97.2 grams fat, 45.2 - 10.0 grams fiber = 35.2 grams NET carbs, 102.0 grams protein
59%f, 12%c, 29%p
Today was a really high protein day. I can probably go pretty low on the protein tomorrow if I want.
Friday, May 3, 2013
243.6 (11am)
Ok. Last night I threw in the crockpot 22.79 oz boneless skinless chicken breast tenderloins and 9.21 oz mushrooms (plus a little water, salt and pepper). This morning I added in another 6.14 oz mushrooms, 7.69 oz cream cheese, 1.80 oz green onions, 12.95 oz sour cream and 11.99 oz frozen green peas. After it was done cooking I split it into 2 portions (one for today and one for tomorrow). I then ate half of today's portion around noon and the other half around 4 or 5 pm. It was really good. I think I will make it (or something similar) in the future again. I really like using the crock pot to cook up meals like this.
The picture shows my lunch bowl after I'd already eaten quite a bit of it.
This evening I had 3 oz of tequila with 20 oz of "Master of Mixes" Lite Margarita Mixer. These were really nice. I recommend the mixer. (I drank about half the bottle, but will replace it when it is gone. Walmart carries it). I am not a normal drinker, but I went to my future sister in law's bridal shower the other day and had a couple margaritas and liked them a lot. (I used to HATE margaritas). I expect my weight will be up tomorrow from water retention.
Daily totals:
1522 calories, 85.2 grams fat, 56.0 grams carb - 10.6 fiber = 45.4 grams NET carbs, 27.9 grams alcohol, 93.8 grams protein
49%f, 14%c, 25%p, 13% a (alcohol)
Thursday, May 2, 2013
245.0 (9:45am)
Lunch (1pm): 13.19 oz iceberg lettuce, 1.98 oz cooked bacon bits, 3.07 oz frozen green peas, 0.63 oz green onions, 99 grams cheese, 3 hardboiled eggs, 2.54 oz mushrooms, 64 grams mayo, splash rice vinegar, 8 drops EZ-Sweetz, pepper and onion powder
I should have eaten half the salad for lunch and half for dinner, but I ate it all at lunch. I am now STUFFED. I will see what happens this evening. If I need to, I will try to drink coffee with cream (instead of adding any more protein or carb grams to my daily intake).
It's now 8:20pm. I ate 2 large strawberries about an hour and a half ago and then had a diet cola. No dinner. I feel fine. I was worried that I would be starving all evening. It's interesting to me that I am not.
That salad was huge at lunch (check out the digital scale under the huge bowl for reference.
Daily totals:
1689 calories, 134.0 grams fat, 52.7 grams - 13.1 = 39.6 grams NET carbs, 73.2 grams protein
71%f, 12%c, 18%p
It was a kinda high day on the carbs. I am still not sure if I want to stick with as many as 1600 calories. Per fitday at 245.0 (sedentary) I am using 2683 calories per day. So eating 1600 calories per day should lead to a 2 pound weight loss per week. That's decent. I can lose as much as 3.5 pounds per week when I restrict below 1000 calories per day and exercise. But is that sustainable? If I always "fall off plan" because I am miserable, then should I use it as a means of losing weight? I don't know. Part of me wants to lose the weight really fast. The other part of me is getting older (I am 38 now) and wants to just lose the weight slow and steady and keep it off.
I am remembering that the definition of insanity is continuing to do the same thing and expecting different results. I have tried so many times over the last few years to make low carb eating work. I feel like there has to be a way that I can eat that leads to a lower weight and keeps my blood sugar in check, that doesn't lead to me eating "off plan" (binging) and gaining all the weight back (repeatedly).
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
245.2 (11am)
My plan continues to be to do LCHF with a higher calorie count this time. I think that trying to be too low calorie continues to derail me. When I do fall off plan, I can't get back on, because I've been experiencing chronic hunger for too long. I was cold a lot of the time, last in March when I was losing weight at a nice clip. I think now that I may do better over the long term, to resign myself to the fact that I can lose slower, but hopefully not fall "off plan". Maybe it would be a healthier way to lose the weight too. I am just so desperate to lose this weight, but what matters most is taking it off and keeping it off.
Breakfast (12:30pm): coffee with 50 grams heavy cream & 8 drops EZ-Sweetz
Lunch (1:45pm): 8 oz frozen green beans cooked with 3.8 oz cut up in to little pieces cooked ham. Then mixed with 25 grams heavy cream and 50 grams cheese.
Snack (4:30pm): 42 grams cashews
Dinner (6:30pm): 5.96 oz (cooked wgt) 80/20 ground beef patties with 19 grams blue cheese dressing
Daily totals (as reported the next day):
1595 calories, 120.2 grams fat, 36.7-9.6 grams fat = 27.1 grams NET carbs, 96.2 grams protein
66%f, 9%c, 25%p
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
246.8 (11am)
What's nice about adding celery like this breakfast mix is that it absorbs the extra fat, so you can increase your fat percentage without the meal tasting greasy.
Dinner (7pm): 21 grams butter, 13.51 oz green cabbage, 100 grams cheese and 50 grams heavy cream, salt and pepper
This was really good. I sauteed the cabbage in the butter with a bit of water until it was soft, then just stirred it into a bowl with the heavy cream and cheese.
Daily total (as reported the next day):
1498 calories, 129.7 grams fat, 39.9 grams - 12.5 grams fiber = 27.4 grams NET carbs, 50.9 grams protein
77%f, 10%c, 13%p
Monday, April 29, 2013
252.4 (6:20am)
Lunch (5:30pm): 1 Cup unsweetened almond milk with 26 grams Vanilla Designer whey, 5 ice cubes and some sugar free DaVinci pineapple syrup
Dinner (7:00pm): 4 oz (raw weight) 80/20 ground beef sauteed with 4 oz celery, 4 oz raw mushrooms and 8 oz green cabbage, then mixed into 2 oz sour cream
Snack (9:45pm): 7.80 oz cabbage with 2.93 oz (raw weight) bacon
Snack (10:15pm): 4.97 oz iceberg lettuce with 46 grams blue cheese dressing
Daily totals:
1587 calories, 131.6 grams fat, 48.8 grams -16.8 grams fiber = 32.0 grams NET carbs, 61.2 grams protein
74%f, 11%c, 15%p
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Breakfast (11am): coffee with 50 grams heavy cream and 9 drops EZ-Sweetz.
I really think the coffee with heavy cream in the mornings works really well for me. (Keeping me full for a long time, making sure that my gall bladder empties each day). I will continue to stick with that.
Lunch (2:15pm): 1 cup unsweetened almond milk with 1 scoop Vanilla Designer Whey, a few ice cubes and sugar free DaVinci Pineapple Syrup
I am going to be trying to have the coffee in the morning and then 2 protein shakes (around 2 and then 5pm) each day and then a dinner that has 4 oz beef/pork/ or chicken and a total of about 1 pound veg with about 2 oz sour cream in the evenings. That way I won't have to weigh my meals as much (although I guess I will still note them in fitday).
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Monday, April 22, 2013
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Breakfast: 49 grams heavy cream, coffee & 8 drops EZ-Sweetz
Lunch: I made the following concoction and am eating about half: 4.20 oz raw celery, 4.97 oz raw cauliflower, 13.51 oz raw weight 80/20 ground beef, 1 can green beans, 4.00 oz sour cream and 1.99 oz cheddar cheese
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Snack (2:10pm): Coffee with 51 grams heavy cream, 8 drops EZ-Sweetz, a few drops of vanilla extract
Dinner (6:00pm): We got Chinese food from the Golden Harvest. I got an eggroll, sweet and sour chicken and fried rice. I also ate some chicken broccoli and chow mein and regular coke (not diet). I was STUFFED.
What I want to note for myself (for future reference) is that my stomach hurt like a son of a bun ALL afternoon and night long. Accompanied by horrible watery diarrhea ALL day. Was it the asparagus? The book "The Plan" says that asparagus is one of the more reactive foods. I remember feeling bad after eating asparagus last time and writing it in the blog, but don't remember the specifics. My abdominal pain was both right and left sides, the entire area from my lower ribs all the way down. The was some bloating, a LOT of stomach gurgling as well. I will go back and see if I specified the same thing last time I ate it.
I have another 3/4 lb of asparagus left and am now scarred to try it. I am going to try to have a LCHF non-reactive food day and then probably try it day after tomorrow.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
240.6 (@ 11:45am)
I am super happy that I have been able to get back on track the last two days. It looks as if I have lost all my water weight now, as well. In fact, I imagine my weight will go up tomorrow, as I don't think I should be quite this low again, this fast.
Last night I ate a LOT of French Grey Sea Salt. I had this twinge the day before yesterday that let me know that I could be in for night leg cramps (Charlie Horses) if I didn't pay attention to my minerals. I usually use "Morton's Lite Salt" which has a lot of potassium, but even though I bought a new container a couple months ago, I can't find it for the life of me. I refuse to buy a new one though (because I am stubborn like that), because the moment I buy a new one, I will find the one I already bought. Anyway, the French Grey Sea Salt (McCormick brand), seemed to take care of whatever salt/potassium issues I was having. I also think that it probably has some good minerals in there. Anytime I find the salt essentially delicious to eat (by itself), I think it is a good indicator that I should eat it and that I am low on something. I have tried some bouillon in the past (I have some great beef bouillon in fact), but I try to avoid MSG (headaches) and bouillon always seems to have a lot of MSG in it.
240.6 would mean I am only really up about 5 pounds since my low. That's a lot, but also not nearly as bad as it could be. I am right at 20 pounds below where I was Jan 1st 2012. That's pretty slow progress I guess. (1.25 pounds per month), but I CAN tell even as slow as the weight loss has been. I am hopeful to stay on track for a good long time (months or longer I hope!), and take off another good portion.
Breakfast (noon): coffee with 50 grams heavy cream and 8 drops EZ-Sweetz.
Lunch (2:10pm): 8.11 oz julienne sliced baby zucchini sauteed in 16 grams butter. 5.82 oz (cooked weight) chopped pork shoulder (really fatty pieces picked out and fed to my dog) mixed with 1.93 oz sour cream, salt, pepper and garlic powder.
This was surprisingly good. I wanted to make it with the stroghanof ground beef mushroom sauce I was eating a lot of a few weeks back, but I remembered I had the cooked pork shoulder in the refrigerator I needed to eat (so it wouldn't go bad). I prefer the ground beef mushroom sauce I was making in the past, but this WAS good. Unfortunately, I am already at 850 calories for the day, so not sure how much I can restrict my calories tonight. I'd rather eat higher calorie and not risk falling off track because of too high of hunger. I might head to the restaurant supply (Cash and Carry) and pick up another big box of mushrooms and a cabbage. The julienne slicer (I ordered off of ebay from China for $1.99 including shipping Item# 400407393591 green version - although I just looked at the price is now $2.69, but still a good value for this item) works great on the zucchini. I am also going to try it on carrots (in moderation with another veggie). I've also seen it used (online) with bell peppers or daikon radish, that would be low carb and delicious. I even think sauteed turnip would be excellent. I really find that the vegetables are what make this way of eating doable for me. You really have to come up with a way to add veggies that not only add volume to your meal, but also make it taste fresher and not so meaty and heavy. I think that is one of the biggest tricks to making this way of eating work. You can see in the picture above of my lunch, that the sauteed zucchini ended up being a good 1/2 of my meal at least. Not counting the butter that I sauteed the zucchini in (as I could have sauteed in a little water if I wanted to, to keep my calories a little lower), the zucchini was only 48 calories (7.2 carbs - 2.5 grams fiber = 4.7 NET carbs). As I love a LOT of different vegetables, I probably have more hope of success with this way of eating than other people do.
Snack (5:15pm): 3.81 oz jalapeno cheese
Snack (7:45pm): Hot cocoa made with 4 grams Hershey's baking cocoa powder, 10 drops EZ-Sweetz, 53 grams of heavy cream, hot water, a tiny pinch of salt and a couple drops of vanilla extract.
Daily Totals:
1,240 calories, 100.8 grams fat, 16.8 grams (-3.3 grams fiber) = 13.5 grams NET carbs, 69.3 grams protein
72%f, 5%c, 23%p
Before bed I again ate a bunch of French Gray Sea Salt. It tasted really good, so I probably needed it.
Monday, April 15, 2013
245.4 (9:00am)
Breakfast: coffee with 51 grams heavy cream and 7 drops EZ-Sweetz
Lunch: Can of kippered herring and salad made with 1 can of green beans, 100 grams of raw cauliflower, 19 grams mayo, splash of rice vinegar, a couple drops of EZ-Sweetz, garlic powder, pepper and salt
Dinner: 4.87 cooked weight pork shoulder (lean and fat eaten).
Daily totals:
1,008 calories, 76.2 grams fat, 17.9 grams (-7.9 grams fiber) = 10.0 grams NET carbs, 63.2 grams protein
68%f, 6%c, 26%p
Today was about as spot on with nutrition percentages and grams as I think I could get. I am very happy with those numbers. I cooked the pork in our new convection oven / microwave. I cooked with the convection setting for 2 hours at 300 F for a 23.5 oz piece of pork shoulder. It turned out really well, but took quite a bit longer than I thought it would. I will use this method in the future. I have quite a bit left over for the next couple of days too. I sprinkled it with salt, pepper, garlic powder, hungarian paprika and 2 drops of liquid smoke and then put a little bit of water in with it, so it wouldn't dry out too much.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
246.0 (@ noon)
Breakfast: Coffee with 50 grams heavy cream and 8 drops EZ-Sweetz.
Lunch: 30 grams summer sausage and 87 grams Brie cheese
Snack 7:45pm : English cucumber with salt. (I forgot to weigh it, but will find the average for this type on the net).
Snack (9:30pm): 2 Cups unsweetened almond milk
Final Daily Totals:
683 calories, 56.6 grams fat, 16.5 grams (-5.9 grams fiber) = 10.6 grams NET carbs, 28.8 grams protein
73%f, 10%c, 18%p
(it is the next day now... I am so happy that I was able to finish the day without binging on a bunch of carb junk. I feel like this might be a new start!)
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Lunch (2:45pm): 67 grams Brie cheese
Snack (3:15pm): 40 grams summer sausage and 5 grams dijon mustard
Snack (3:30pm): 79 grams cashews
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Lunch (3:45pm): took a lb of ground pork shoulder and spiced it with cayenne, garlic powder, salt, pepper, cumin and red pepper flakes. I then mixed in about 5 ounces of cream cheese (about 5/8 of a block) and spooned it into 6 large jalapeno peppers that had been split in half and cleaned. I am now baking the peppers and will have them later. For lunch I had the pork/cream cheese mixture (about 1/4 - 1/3 of the mixture) on top of iceberg lettuce with about 1/2 a cup of salsa. That was really good and filling.
Per fitday, if I can keep to eating the peppers tonight and nothing else I will end the day at:
1,923 calories, 150.6 grams fat, 48.4 grams (-8.4 grams fiber)= 40 grams NET carbs, 99.4 grams protein
70%f, 9%c, 21%p
I have been having a heck of a time getting back to low carb. I will be happy with today if I can stick to just having the jalapenos tonight. Although the calories are high, they are fine for slow weight loss.